Do I hate you?

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You sat there alone in class. This gave you major Deja Vu. You felt like it was all happening again. No one wanted to talk to you and you felt worthless. You didn't like this feeling, in fact, you hated it. 'Who the hell does he think he is' you weren't going to have it. This wasn't going to happen again. You got up and stormed up to Bakugo and kneed him in his legs. Causing him to fall to the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" you looked at him with vicious eyes. "YOU'RE MY FUCKING PROBLEM" The whole class had their eyes on you. "I WARNED YOU BUBBLES DON'T FUCK WITH ME" "WHY THE HELL WOULD TELL PEOPLE NOT TO TALK TO ME" Bakugo chuckled. He put his hands on your shoulders and pinned you against the wall. "I do whatever the fuck I want, princess." He said in a quieter scary tone. This threw you off and you didn't know what to say so instead you just reached your arm out to his face and placed your hand in the middle of his face and pushed him away. "Bitch" You managed to mumble as you walked away.

Time skip

You walked back home and entered to see your sister trying to make food. You run towards her and stop her from an attempt to burn the only thing we had down. "Woah there let's be careful you could burn yourself." your sister just smiled. "YOUR BACK N/N HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY." You frowned at the reminder of how school went for you. But soon you put a smile on your face 'I have to be strong for s/n at least' "It was great"

Time skip

You had just gotten out of work and made your way to the only quiet place you know. In the distance, you saw the rock but saw another figure next to it. It was Bakugo. 'Sigh I should get out of here before he sees me' you turn to leave "What are you doing here I thought I made it clear to you that this is my spot" You were going to leave but your ego got in the way of that. " EXCUSE ME BUT I DON'T SEE YOUR NAME ON IT." BAKUGO SMIRKED " YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME FOR IT" This got you excited "FUCK YEAH!" You could see the explosions coming out of Bakugo's hands. "WHAT EVEN IS YOUR QUIRK YOU USELESS HAG"
"HAG?" You quickly turned on your fog quirk and convinced him there was 12 of you. "OH, SO YOU HAVE SOME STUPID CLONE QUIRK" You smirked you had him right in your trap. He sent explosions to one of your "clones" and it disappeared. One by one he got rid of every single illusion. Until there was one left "Hehe what are you going to do now, princess. Looks like I have you now. Now, why don't you tell me who that man was and why was he there." Bakugo pinned "you" against the tree. "Don't let your eyes deceive you, princess. You might get hurt." You said and with that, you kicked his legs and brought him to the ground. "Why do you care so much about who that guy was anyway? Are you the one who likes ME." This made Bakugo speechless why did he care so much? "HA, YOU WISH YOU COULD GET ME TO EVEN BE INTERESTED IN YOU" "SO WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME WHY YOU CARE" "I DON'T CARE" This confused you if he didn't care why to make such a big fuss. "OK WELL FUCK OFF THEN" and you stormed away.

Time skip

A few days went by from that night. You and Bakugo hadn't spoken since. You only exchanged glares. You walked in and saw Iida scolding Bakugo he turned his head and made eye contact with you. (Deja Vu much?) "Yeah yeah whatever," He said. You took a seat and it seemed like everyone was there. Bakugo looked at your direction and smiled he walked up to you and placed his hands on your desk. "HEY BUBBLES" he made sure to get the attention of the whole class. "I'm sorry for not being able to return your feelings." "What?" "Yeah, it took me by surprise that night when you told me that your MADLY IN LOVE WITH ME." The whole class went quiet. 'This BITCH.' "OH YEAH, I CLEARLY REMEMBER KICKING YOUR ASS" The class starts to whisper. Your little dispute was soon interrupted by Mr. Aizawa walking in. Bakugo managed to mumble "damn bitch" before he walked back to his seat.

Time skip to lunch

You got your lunch and sat down alone you saw Bakugo and Kirishima arguing. You felt anger stir as you remember Bakugo's stunt earlier today. You got up and walked over to their table. "Can I help you?" "You sure as hell can because I have no memory of myself confessing my feeling for you" Bakugo smirked, "Oh princess, it's okay to admit I know it's embarrassing." You take a seat. "Bakugo for the last time MY NAME IS Y/N." "OK REALLY BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WANTED ME TO CALL YOU BABE" " I CLEARLY REMEMBER KICKING YOUR ASS THAT NIGHT." "Oh, princess your DELUSIONAL" " OH FUCK YOU DAMN JACK ASS" "OH YOU WOULD LOVE TO FUCK ME WOULDN'T YOU" Your face is dusted a light shade of pink at the thought of having any sexual interactions with Bakugo. You walk away though.

Time skip

You sit in class trying so hard not to fall asleep. But you were far too weak to be able to withstand your drowsiness. As you were dosing of you felt a crumbled piece of paper hit you. You look around and see Bakugo looking at you. You glare at Bakugo for disturbing your peaceful sleep. You pick up the paper and throw it back and fall back to sleep. You felt another piece of paper hit you but this time it hurt. 'What the fuck?' You saw a paper on the floor you picked it up and opened you found a rock and a note.

Bakugo:"Wake up bitch"
Y/n:"bitch? That's a new one"
Bakugo:"well, you didn't like bubbles or princess too much so I gave you a new nickname" This made you smile.
Y/n:"You know what I would like you to call me more"
Y/n:"Nah you're the real hoe here. But I would really appreciate it if you called me y/n. You know my REAL name"
Bakugo:"No thank you ill stick with literally anything else"
Y/n:"Why do you call me bubbles and princess anyways?"
"Because you're my princess" Bakugo erased this and wrote
Bakugo:"Because you look funny when you're mad" instead.
Y/n:"Wow ok, I guess ill start calling you something too. How about asshole? Or maybe dickhead?"
Bakugo:"Call me that and ill kill you"
Y/n:"Ooohh scary. I'll take my chances, asshole" Bakugo glared at you
Bakugo:"You remember the last time you challenged me? You know how that ended up"
Y/n:"Yeah I left you in the dirt"
Bakugo:"I'm not talking about that, idiot"
Y/n:"Ugh fine and you need to call that off no one is talking to me"
Bakugo:"No, you did that to yourself plus you talking to me just convinces everyone that you some scary bitch"
Y/n:"Now I don't have any friends because of you, jackass."T-T
Bakugo:" Loser"
You flick Bakugo off
Y/n: "You know you're a real ass Bakugo." You aim at Bakugo's head but miss and it lands on Iida's desk. 'Fuck' Iida grabs the note and reads it then looks at you two and tears up the note. Bakugo said "Way to go dumbass" in between coughs. You go back to sleep.

Boom! You hit the ground "what the hell" you said rubbing your head. You saw Bakugo and Kirishima above you. You jump up and yelled "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" "I told you to wake up, princess" "Okay why couldn't you wake me up LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AND NOT PUSH ME OFF MY SEAT" "BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO WAKE THE FUCK UP" "Yeah Yeah" "Kirishima and I are going out. You coming?" Your eyes lit up "wait am I apart of the bros now? DO I BELONG?!" "Ew, I'm about to take back my offer if you keep acting weird." "Hehe well sorry, I can't come I'm busy" "What does a loser like you have to do after school. Don't tell me you have a boyfriend" "And what if I do?" You teased. This kinda pissed off Bakugo. "WELL GO SPEND TIME WITH HIM THEN. COME ON KIRISHIMA WERE LEAVING."And with that, they walked away or more like Kirishima walked Bakugo stomped. You didn't know why you said that the real reason you couldn't go was that you had to take care of s/n then go to work. Not to mention you had to figure out what to do with the boss.

Authors note

Earlier I mention that this would be a slow paced story I take that back. I have no idea how long this story is going to be. So just sit back and wait for some Bakugo x reader fluff. (Because that's all we really want )

Have a good day (or night)


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