Who is he

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You walked in your shack and saw your little sister still sleeping. You sigh and made her something to eat. You were exhausted but you couldn't rest now, you had to go to work. 'Sigh. You have to get your money honestly y/n. Especially because you have her now.' You said while looking at s/n. You set her plate down and went to change into your work clothes.

Time skip

You cleaned the table and got it ready for your last customer. Once you think you gave them enough time you make your way there to take their order. "Hello, may I take your order." You said with a fake smile. "What the hell, bubbles?" Your smile fades. Bakugo, you prepared to give this kid a piece of your mind. But soon realized that he is a customer and if you tell him off he can get you fired. 'I really need this job.' You put on your smile again and said "The name is y/n" imitating what Bakugo had said in the exams. "Yeah yeah, whatever bubbles give me a (Drink of your choice) "Coming right up." You said. "And don't give me that fake crap" your smile fades again "great." You give Bakugo his drink and begin to stare at his face trying to remember who he is. " HEY BUBBLES I know I'm hot but you got to stop staring you still have to serve the other customers right?" You blush at what he said "what n-no" 'did I just stutter' "Do I make you nervous bubbles is that why you stuttered." He said in a smoother tone. You justed stared at him, said nothing then walked away. "IT'S RUDE TO WALK AWAY FROM CUSTOMERS" But your mind was somewhere else you had to figure out where he was from.

Time skip

You go back home and see your little sister playing with some toys. "Why are you still up?" You asked. "I was waiting for you n/n." (nickname) You smiled at her innocent answer. "Sigh, well, don't stay up too long. Ok?" S/n nodded her head and You went to bed...actually it was the floor.

Time skip

You looked at the mail and saw a letter from UA High. Then you saw All Might telling you that you tied first place with someone named Kastuki Bakugo. y/n thought about that Bakugo kid 'he won't be too happy about this'

Bakugo's point of view

'I tied with y/n l/n. Can she be who I think she is? No no, she has a different name these are two different girls.' " Y/N, L/N HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE ME, ILL SHOW YOU, YOU'RE JUST A DAMN EXTRA!"

Authors note

Sorry for the short chapter hope you enjoyed it though. :)

Bakugo X Reader (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora