Epilogue - Friends Or Enemies

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Getting married to Charlotte caused a split between us and my family, she wasn't mixing into the group as effortlessly as she had always assumed she would. She didn't get our jokes and her taste was a lot more.. decadent. They were baffled as to how a grown woman could behave so entitled and spoilt, it didn't make it any easier for her with their constant comparisons to Alesha. She didn't want to be around them and they definitely didn't want her around. I can't say I care about her discomfort though, this arrangement had its purpose, just not one I expected to drag on for so long.

"Maybe we should call it a night." Lucas suggested, probably having had his fill of faking niceties and listening to Charlotte's mindless chatter. I don't blame him. "We'll go freshen up before we get going." He gave me a knowing look before taking Charlotte's hand and leading her back to where the restaurant bathrooms were.

I pulled my attention back to Richard. "Why didn't you tell me she was going to London?"

"It's only for a few months she'll be fine. Demetri's tagging along for a month or two, he sold it to your grandparents as 'work experience' so I gave him the go-ahead to shadow the Creative Director of my London branch." I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my baby brother doing nothing but hitting on models the entire time. "Dani and Raf are spending a week of their honeymoon there too," he took a breath and looked away before continuing, "KC decided to go with her."

My fists balled at the mention of him. I wasn't sure what game KC was playing but I'll put an end to it. Last I saw him, he was beating Vasiliev to death because I gave the order, now he's strutting around with my girl on his arm?! ... Seeing him with her the other night, putting his lips on hers, touching her- I wanted to kill him, I still do and it will be that simple once all my enemies stop hiding their faces.

The last year's killed me; not knowing who was really fighting for me and everyone's true motives, had me paranoid. The one person I knew I could trust and wanted near was the one person I couldn't have close to any of this. I was at odds with myself. I couldn't be with her, but I wanted her to be happy; just not without me.

"How is she?"

"She's good. There's something missing, but that might just be me." He gave me a pursed smile coated in pity. "I think she's still trying to get over what happened with the wedding, which I should beat your ass for," he said with a raised brow, "but she's better now."

"She told you about that, huh." I felt the shame and guilt of that day easing back in.

"Just be glad it was me she told and not Dani. Speaking of Dani, has she returned any of your messages?"

"Not one. We talked a little at her wedding party the other night but that was only because she was hammered. It'll pass, we're family." I looked up to see Lucas and Charlotte already heading toward us, Richard and I stood ready to leave.


In the car heading home, my mind mulled over what my life is now and what it should've been. Would she even take me back after what I've put her through? She did everything she could and I shot her down at each try. She cried for me, screamed for me, fought for me, just to watch me marry Charlotte. Maybe once I've fixed everything she'll let me explain- but the things I've said to her... I fucked up.

"You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" Charlotte scoffed next to me. I zoned in to my phone scrolling through some work emails and texts. "How fucking pathetic. You have me right here and you can't help but dote on that bitch?" I wanted to wring her neck, ignoring her was taking too much effort. "You never even tried to love me like that, did you?" Her voice came out saddened and softer than usual. "We could be so happy together, Christian. You just have to give me a chance."

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