Chapter 15 - Your World

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It's been nearly a month since that night. I spent the first week, in my apartment away from everyone and everything. By week 2 I was back at work but still skittish at loud sounds and sudden movements. I couldn't sleep, my mind was recycling nightmares and images of those men. I haven't been able to get any of it out of my head. I haven't been able to get him out of my head.

I couldn't find words to say to him, so I avoided his frequent calls and ignored his incessant visits with relentless knocks and pleads at my door. I wasn't mad at him or scared, he just didn't seem the same, especially after our talk.


There was a ringing in my ear and my eyes were stuck on a blood drenched Christian. My stare followed as his attention turned behind me to the front door. Within seconds of recognizing Antoni and Sebastian, my heart drops straight into my gut at the loud *BANG*.

 Within seconds of recognizing Antoni and Sebastian, my heart drops straight into my gut at the loud *BANG*

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Sebastian's head shattered, leaving droplets of brain matter splattered on the wall and floor behind him. I looked wide eyed between Christian's extended arm holding the gun and the additional dead body missing a face before settling on the latter. I was in so much shock I didn't notice Antoni moving until his hand reached up to wipe something off my cheek. Pulling his hand away, I see it matches the muck that was seeping from Sebastian's head.

I walked quickly to the bathroom making sure to avoid stepping on any of the massacred corpses or the liquids oozing from them. Getting in the bathroom, I lock the door and rush over to the toilet. Everything I ate that evening was coming out in uncontrollable spews. My throat burned from the vomit but even with an empty stomach, my body was still dry heaving looking for anything to expel.

After a while, I got up and washed out my mouth before taking my place back in front of the toilet bowl. I sat there for what felt like only a minute until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Antoni again looking at me with apologetic eyes. A worried Christian stood behind him next to the broken bathroom door.

Antoni leaned into my face dragging my attention to him, I could see his lips moving but couldn't hear him, everything was coming out in drowned murmurs. He helped me onto my feet and guided me upstairs. I felt numb.

Steam rose from the water filled tub. Antoni's words started getting clearer as he walked around the bathroom collecting a few things.

"-shot so close to you. I never liked Sebastian, but I don't know how Julian Howard will take the news of Christian killing his son. The muffled hearing should be going by now, can you hear me?" He stopped moving around long enough to watch me nod. "Hopefully he didn't frighten you breaking the door down like that, but I think he nearly popped the veins in his head when you weren't answering."

He hung everything on the hooks next to the tub as he continued. "A, I know it's a lot to take in but you've gotta know he didn't mean for you to be part of any of that. I can't imagine what it'd be like if Rochelle found out what I do for a living; she'd blow my fucking brains ou-" He stopped himself.

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