I heard our flight been called out

And we went in the plane.


We got to California pretty much
Earlier on like the last time I was a flight
To California the weather was bad
So the pilot had to fly under the clouds
And he flew very slow.

As we walked out of the airport
I saw Mrs William in her red dress that
Stopped on her kneels
She was beautiful, this was the first time
I observed her appearance she looked
More like Jessy , Jessy stoles her eyes,
Her nose which was pointed that could
Pinch on your skin, her curved legs
And yeah Jessy had hips
It was weird for a man to have hips
But I never found it weird in Jessy
His hips always turn me on

I wonder how he would look like
Now, I guess he will be pretty much
Healthier and more beautiful
I guess all the scars will be gone
Scars I placed in him.

I was lost my thought
When Mrs William hug me
I was shocked she brought me
Back to reality
Her hug was welcoming, does it means
She has accepted me or not, I did not
Hesitate to hug her back I needed it
It felt motherly, wish I never had
I never got to see my mum
She did while giving birth to me..

Leaving me to my father and my
Elder brother and sister mason and Ariana but
They both died in a plane crash

And due to the news it affected my father,
Plus with the company and all, the money
Jessy father took from him, and all added
To his breakdown which led to his death

"Hi son" I heard her say bringing
Me again back to reality

Did she just called me son,
Tears built up in my eyes,
I never cried, I only cried during
My dad way keep but that was the last
I never cried but why did I feel like
Crying, I hated the Williams

My dad died because of them
But I remember Jessy
Endless patients, he was hopeful
Despite all the stuff I afflicted on him
Building in him scars upon scars
That why he will always remain
Perfect to me I swear he was
A side, a view of perfection.

Hi I said back withholding my tears
I didn't wanna feel week in front of
Her so I waved the thought off my head

We got in the car, a red Ferrari I guess
It was her favourite, well I don't know!

We stopped In a white and black house
I guess this was the Williams family house
Yes it was huge, it was big it would be spacious
I said as in my thought getting out
Of the car.

While Mr William got my stuff out of
The car, they where kind to me after
Everything I did to there son I felt loved
Nothing but love in return
In me I felt  Gross, I was a waste
I was a monster...

"Common son" I heard from a far it was
Mrs William speaking and she was with
Her husband right in the front door

As she threw the door open I saw a Man
And a woman standing inside the house
Starring at me.

The man and the woman looks
Elderly I guess they where.......

I was lost in my thought when I saw a hand
Rapped around mine ushering me in
I looked at the person to see Mrs William

I didn't understand I still don't know
Why she been nice to me.

I waved it off my head as a ma brought
Out his hands to shake me I looked out mine
And responded to this welcoming gesture.

"Welcome son" I looked to at the woman
Beside the man that welcome me.

I nodded in response, before saying
Thank MA

The Devil As A Husband (Malexmale)Where stories live. Discover now