chapter 2

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Jessy POV.

Few weeks past, and now I'm now Mr Jessy McCall, I can't imagine that, I could remember when the jerk which is now my husband sadly to say force the damn ring into my finger ushering me to sign the damn paper. I could remember clearly that my mum and dad were shattered into a thousand pieces but what could I do I was doing it for them, is the least I could do.

Well was good that we had our separate rooms, the winters house was a mansion so to say, it was a glorious mansion all in her beauty, the gate alone was a masterpiece, it was made with gold the courtyard had streets all around leading to various sections of the house, the living room was the best, it had a king chair which when you sit your legs hardly could touch the floor, the upstairs was designed to satisfaction, it was in a ring form, it was not a straight upstairs but in a c shape.

The dinning table where made of gold coupled with fruits on it. The ceilings were made of glass, with a huge chandelier to complete its taste.

I wonder how someone could leave hear alone without having to feel like he needs someone.

The night came, losing sleep was never the plan but what can I do when my brain and mind keel traveling back home, my people were home. I got frustrated and let my feet carry me to the bathroom for my regular hygiene, I was shocked to behold the beauty of the bathroom, I could not help but muster the word "Wealth is good".

Allow me to criticize rich people, they do so much, this guy hardly stays at home, they are busy traveling the world so why do they dim it a necessity to spend so much money on a house?

The design of this bathroom walls was made of glass, the shower head were all made of fine gold, and the bathtub which was positioned so close to the shower was designed in a c shape, the light from the bub had different colors coming out at ones, I guess they were a way I could make it a plain color but I did not know how. Why waste as much money on a bathroom?

I hissed before turning on the shower only to be met with very hot and boiling water coming out of the shower which could burn my skin, I huffed he did this on purpose, (they are no way he did not take his bath yesterday, and forgot to turn it back to the regular temperature. Again I say, rich people do to much.)

Wrapped in the blue towel I found hanging neatly on the stand, I placed my feet out of the bathroom to be embraced by the raging cold coming out of the Air conditioner, it was so intense that I had no choice but to head straight to his nightstand to fetch the remote.

I was about to grab the remote when he beat me to it, "what do you think you doing Mr Jesse?" he asked me, God! The sound of his morning voice almost made me drop on my kneels to please him.  His voice were so deep and husky at the same time.


"You crazy piece of shit, I am feeling so much cold, the room temperature is unbearable." I said sternly but all he could do was ignore me, taking off the sheet away from his body he did. I could not believe he was fully clothed on night wears. Strange for a man of his caliber.  He sat on the bed with the remote held unto his big arms. "Great, just Great, you get married to me only to ruin my life afterward, why did you not tell me this was your plan all this while?"

"Are you done?" He got up and walked up to me held me, and pushed me to the bed while my head bounced on the bed, he followed suit as his legs climbed unto the bed, His mouth so close to mine as he inhaled my scent. "Look here, I did not force you into my room, why not make yourself comfortable in other rooms." he breathed in before getting off me. Was he literally serious, I lost that right to be comfortable when he forced me to marry him.

I was about to launch on him when he pushed me back to the bed.."Stay within your limit boy!"

In a second he did the most unthinkable, in a second my world was crumbled, in a second I hated his existence in my life.

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