Chapter 11

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Thank you all for the reads. I'm sorry I'm not that enthusiastic as I usually am. My uncle just passed away so I'm kinda sad. But I really appreciate you guys. Enjoy the chapter.


Toothless pov.

It's been two weeks. Is she ok? That's it. I'm going to her island. No one will have to know. Not even hiccup. Good thing our war with this other strange island is over.

"Toothless?" A familiar voice called.

"Oh hi stormfly." I said almost disappointed it was her.

"What are you up to?"

"I'm leaving for a while."

"Oh..." She said

"Don't tell anyone ok?"

"Yeah sure. But where are you going."

"That I can't tell you. But I'll be back soon."

"Ok. Just don't get hurt." She said with a half happy half sad smile.

"Thanks. Your a good friend." I said

She smiled and flew away.

Good thing hiccup put my tail on auto today. I'll be needing it for this trip. ;)


Stormflys pov

I know exactly where he's going. That's why I'm gonna go too. (PLOT TWIST!) I realized how much I like toothless. But that twilight girl is stealing him away from me. Well now I have to win him back. So it's settled. I'll leave a day after him.


Twilights pov.

I miss him so much. I hope he comes and visits me soon. I really need company. I hope toothless's island is ok.


Sorry this is soooo short. I really don't have time to write. Just keeping you updated on what's happening to toothless and twi. I'm trying so don't worry. Plus I am really sad. So ill have a extra long chapter for you soon.

Love ya 😘


Toothless & TwilightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora