Chapter 4

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Twilights pov.

I saw him. In the distance. A black object that was as small as the tiniest fish. He's coming this way. I better warn the village to not attack. I sped back to the island


Toothless pov.

I knew it. She was there. And she was a SHE. AHHHHH I was right. In yo face stormfly!

"Toothless. Did u see that?!!"

"Yes. We are very close..."

10min later

We approached the island very slowly. Even though I was excited as never before. We landed on its beach. Then she jumped down at us from the cliff.

"Who are you?" She asked

"Who are you?" I asked back.

"I'm twilight. Who are you and why are you on my island?"

"I'm toothless and this is stormfly, Astrid and hiccup. They are our riders."


"Yes. Hiccup saved my life and I helped him from the red death. You can trust them."

Gosh. She was so pretty. Also she was about my age.

"Do you have a village?"

"Yes I can show you but your humans or the other dragon can't come. Only night furies."

"Ok. Where can they stay?"

"On the beach."


I told hiccup this and he agreed. Hiccup set my tail on automatic. And I took off with twilight. We got to the village and there were 4 caves. One family in each?

"How many families live here?"


We landed in one cave. The biggest one. Probably the cheifs. Two night furies stepped out and the memories came flooding back.


Twilights pov.

I was taking him to chief spark and chiefess sun star. They lost their child when he was only 14. He has been lost forever. I hope this "toothless" knows how to find him. But then I saw him close his eyes for a while. I hope he's ok. And no I don't like him. Maybe.


Toothless pov.

My head hurts. Owwwww


"Don't go to far son!"

"Ok dad I'll be back soon!"

Oh no! I flew too far out to the ocean. I don't know where I am. HELP!

*End of flashback*


"Light storm?"

Was that my name before? I think.

I went over and gave him a hug. Wait I remember. The day I flew off. Mom was at home and dad was watching me. MY FAMILY.

"Mom. dad!"

I gave them huge hugs.

"It's me remember?"


I need ideas please help. Also comment and vote. Thanks for all these reads!


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