Chapter 6

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Toothless pov

I told hiccup about all the night furies on this island. He was jumping for joy.

Now we have to meet my parents. But since hiccup could speak my language, this was going to be a lot easier.

We reached the cave where my parents were in. Deep breaths deeeeep breaths. Ok here we go.

"Dad, this is hiccup, Astrid and stormfly."

"Nice to meet you." Hiccup said politely.

"So your the boy who saved my sons life. I thank you for that. My name is Sparks and my wife Sunstar. We are the chief and chefiess of the isle of night."

"Wow." Hiccup said and he bowed. Astrid and stormfly followed.

"You are welcome to stay here. You seem nice but if you try anything. We will not be afraid to use out blasts."

"Thank you." Hiccup said with a bow.


Twilights pov

Oh gosh. I think I like toothless but I'm not going to let it show. He looked so strong standing next to the chief. Well I want to introduce him to my friends. And show him the island.

"Hey toothless. You wanna take a fly?"

"Yeah sure. Just let me tell hiccup."

"Ok. I'll wait here for you."

*5min later*

"Ok ready." He said.

I took him to the village. I tried not to get distracted by his memorizing green eyes. UGHHH.

"We're here."

My friends gathered up and were eying toothless.

"Hey guys this is toothless." I said.

"Hi nice to meet you." He said

"This is pearl, blade, thunder, cuff and flo."

"Hi!" Most of them said.

"Don't try to impress twilight because she's all mine." Thunder said.

"No I'm not u jerk." I was really mad so I flew off into the woods.

Ughhhh my life is so messed up. I heard flapping wings behind me.

"Hey. Are you ok?" Toothless asked me.

"Yeah. I guess I over reacted."

"That's ok. I have a dragon like that back where I come from."

"Oh. Haha."



Toothless pov

After twilight yelled at that thunder guy, I decided to go after her.

I found her in the forest.

"Hey. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess I overreacted."

"That's ok. I have a dragon like that back where I come from." *cough cough hookfang*

"Oh. haha."

She had beautiful blue eyes. She's so pretty. Yup. You guessed I like her. She has a spunky personality and she somehow is just like me.

"We should get back." She said breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah ok. I'll see you tomorrow? We can go walking in the woods again." Even though I didn't even notice we were walking.

"Yeah I would like that." She said with a smile.

With that we took off into the night sky. I guess I can call that a date. ;) yessssss.


I think that was the best chapter. What do you think. Thanks for the reads. I can't wait for the next chapter. 😘 love you all.


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