𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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The girls took me first to a really common women's clothing store. We first went in, and Avery led us immediately to the sales rack.

"Don't even worry about that, Anita." Kelsey said. I cringed a bit at the fact she called me by my mother's name. "You can go through anything in the store. Let's start with tops!" She began to lead us back to the front of the store.

"What?" I asked. "You're seriously going to let me get the expensive stuff?" I chuckled.

"Yeah," Kelsey shrugged. "Don't even worry about it. My dad is loaded. That's how he could afford to send me and my twin brother to this school. Plus, you only need extra outfits for weekends and stuff since we have a school uniform." She was right. My mom did spend a lot of money on sending me here—one of the reasons I was so afraid to go back. I thanked her about 40 million times the entire shopping trip.

Avery and Kelsey went crazy with the shopping, with a bunch of things for me to try on. First we grabbed a ton of tops. There were so many different styles! I tried to let the girls let me pick the baggier shirts and sweaters, but they decided that only the girliest outfits were allowed. I pouted a little at this, but they told me that it would help me seem more feminine by wearing more feminine outfits.

I ended up getting lots of off the shoulder tops and fitted tees, and really only got skirts and sun dresses. The only sort of pants that I got were a few pairs of leggings and tighter fitting sweatpants, because Kelsey insisted that every girl needed some leggings because they were "by far the most comfortable."

    At the check out counter, Kelsey gasped as she looked at the display at the front of the line. "Scrunchies!" She exclaimed, and grabbed a pack for me. "These are so much easier to use in your hair, and they're totally cute to wear on your wrist!" She also grabbed two pairs of clip-on earrings—one dangly and one pair of magnetic pearl earrings—from the accessories rack.

     After checking out at the first store, they dragged me into an underwear store. I shuddered as I entered, and felt like I should be shielding my eyes from all the mannequins and models wearing only panties and lacy bras. Avery and Kelsey didn't seem even a little phased. Must be another "girl thing" I have to get used to. I thought.

    Avery got me more of those padded bras like the one I was wearing, while Kelsey led me to pick out different colors and styles of panties. I could not stop blushing, but kept reminding myself that nobody in this store knew I was a boy. But the more time I spent with Avery and Kelsey, the more I realized how sweet and accepting they were, and how this was going to be a lot easier to live like a girl than I thought. I got more comfortable with them as time went on.

     After checking out at the underwear place—each of us now both with arms full of bags—we went to a dress shop.

     "It's time for us to pick out your dress for tonight!" Avery exclaimed, her eyes glimmering. The two grabbed my arm and pulled me in, and I smiled, my now long hair bouncing behind me as I stumbled over myself into the store with them. I gasped as I looked at all the gorgeous ballgowns and miniskirts hanging from hangers. Kelsey gave me a small smile and exchanged a knowing look with Avery as they saw my excitement.

    They brought me to the dressing rooms and told me to wait, so I got myself a stall and waited for a few minutes. Soon enough, the two girls came back and came into the stall with me.

     Avery held her arm out to show me a dress on a hanger. At first impressions, it was pretty, with ballet pink fabric and a silver ribbon at the waist. They helped me undress and pull the dress on. A chill was sent down my spine as the silky, soft fabric slid over my legs and came to a snug fit around my waist, pulling the flowey sleeves over my arms. It felt really good. I looked at myself in the mirror, in awe at how feminine I looked. The skirt of the dress hung just below my knees, and my hair fell to my waist, with some pieces framing by beautifully made face. I ran my hands up and down my sides, amazed at how the form-fitting dress actually gave me sort of an hourglass figure.

     Kelsey exchanged a look with Avery, and both shook their heads. "It's too... corny. Nobody wears bell sleeves like that anymore." Avery remarked. I poured. I thought this one was pretty, but still took the dress off after they unzipped it as I was told. The second dress they gave me was black, made of a cotton material this time. It was still form fitting, but had a totally different vibe—more sleek and modern, whilst the other was "grandma-y" according to the girls. I admired this dress on me in the mirror. It gave me even more of an hourglass figure than before, because it had padding on the hips and the skirt, while still flowey, ended at my mid-thigh. The fabric at the top was curved with two humps—I guess to fit a girl's boobs—with spaghetti straps and a small, black, ribbon tied into a bow in the center. Avery gasped as Kelsey zipped up the back of the sweater.

     "This one's so cute!" She squealed. "Totally perfect for just dinner."

     "We can even dress it up with a cute hairstyle and accessories," Kelsey added. Then her eyes lit up. "Shoes!" Avery gasped, then ran out of the dressing room.

     "I'll go get some!" She hollered over her shoulder as she disappeared into the store.

     "Wait, like high heels?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah, don't worry, we have plenty of time to reach you how to walk in them." Kelsey reassured me.

Avery returned with some shoes. I studied them as she strapped them onto my feet. They were like sandals, with only a small strap right behind my toes and around my ankle. The actual heel part was chunky, and about two-and-a-half inches high according to Avery. They were also black to match my dress. I stood up, and immediately wobbled in them, so I clutched onto Avery and Kelsey's arms

"It's okay, here, just hold on to Avery." Kelsey, said, slowly letting go of my arm. I clutched tightly to Avery's shoulder as Kelsey stepped back, pushing her sleek, ginger hair behind her shoulders, her hazel eyes focused as she studied my whole look. I blushed a little bit, but Kelsey smiled, satisfied. "I love it, I think you look amazing! You'll totally pull off a cute girl." Avery grinned, and the two fist-bumped as Kelsey came back over towards me to help me sit to take of the heels and then change back into my normal clothes. Well, as normal as a crop top and skirt can get for a boy. The thought that I'm freaking cross-dressing made me itch every time I thought about it. Wow. I told myself. I guess I'm really living as this girl Anita for the next few months.

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