𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

Start from the beginning

    "Follow me, we're seeing the headmaster." He beckoned, and walked out from behind the desk. I followed him, confused and nervous. I can't go back, my mom would kill me and find some way to blame me for not making the list and not having a school to go to for the new year.

     Latina moms, am I right?

     Anyway, the front desk man led me across the huge common room, and a boy smiled and waved at me kindly. I waved back, with a quick smile, but couldn't settle the nervousness gnawing at my stomach. Finally, he led me into another room, where a man and a woman stood chatting in front of a desk, and a few chairs lined up on the wall next to the door. The front desk man motioned for me to take a seat in one, so I obeyed. I studied the two people in front of me.

      At my left, a tall, pale, green-eyed man dressed in a suit with an army general's hat. He was thin, yet lean and muscular. On his left breast pocket, a black name tag was pinned. The gold letters read "Gen. Richard Smith" on top, and "HEADMASTER" underneath in a smaller font. I then shifted my gaze to the right to see the equally tall woman, although her height may have been added to by her tall stiletto heels. She wasn't thin, but wasn't plump either, yet she had curves. Her skin tone was a deep olive, and she had chocolate brown eyes to match her chocolate brown hair pulled up into a fancy updo. She wore a long, red dress that came up to her knees in the front but the skirt fell down to her ankles in the back. Her identical name tag read "Mrs. Julie Smith" in the same gold lettering, with the same smaller title underneath her name.

     He must be the military headmaster and she's the princess school headmistress. I thought. I chuckled inwardly, at the thought of a couple settling down to run a school together. Well, whatever floats their boat, I guess.

      "Ah, Toby, how are you?" General Smith's green eyes lit up as he shook the front desk man's hand. "Toby" smiled.

     "I'm well, Rick, but I have a problem. This young man here says his mother signed him up for the school, but his name's not on my list." He replied. I waved awkwardly as the couple turned to look at me for the first time.

     "It's no problem, how are you, young man?" General Smith asked me.

     "I'm good, and you?" I replied weakly, still clutching onto my suitcase handle.

     "Excellent, thank you." He smiled, and his wife smiled fondly at me as well. He then turned and walked around the desk to sit at the computer. "Let's see here..." A few clicks later, he looked up at me. "Last name?"

     "Inéz," I stated. "I-N-E-Z. And the E has an accent mark, if it makes a difference."

     "Inéz," General Smith mumbled as he typed the four letters into the computer. His expression looked confused as a search result popped up. "Well, Mr. Inéz, we have you listed here as Anita Inéz, and you, sir, are enrolled in the Royal Training Academy for Girls next door."

     My eyes widened. That explained why the driver of my limo had called me by my mother's name. She accidentally signed up under her own name instead of mine!

     "Th-that's a mistake," I stammered. "That's my mother's name, can't we change it?" Silence ensued. Mrs. Smith took a look at the computer, and twisted her face as she thought. She whispered something to her husband, who nodded, and then crossed the room to me with a sweet smile. She placed a hand on my shoulder, and broke me the news.

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