"Liv, calm down. Nicole isn't here yet." Barba said gently.. He glanced at his watch. "It's only 11:30. You're not late" Olivia blinked her eyes and sighed in relief. "Good" She said in the voice she used for 1PP, Dobbs, politicians, and press conferences.

Barba was about to say something when Carmen walked in and spoke. "Liv, I brought you some coffee."

"Thanks Carmen", Olivia said taking the cup offered to her. "You didn't have to."

"It's no problem. If you refused it though, I was going to suggest that Mr. Barba take your temperature." Olivia looked at Carmen wide eyed, she then straightened her back, and went into full Lieutenant mode. Carmen instantly felt guiltily for what she said. She liked and admired Olivia Benson. She was trying to calm her, not make her subconscious. For years she watched the interaction of her boss, and Olivia. No person was perfect, but they were the perfect match. "You want some tea?"

"No thanks. Carmen "Olivia answered.

"You know what?" Carmen replied. "Mr.. Barba, I'm just going to buzz you when Ms. Price gets here. I'm not coming in here, and I'm holding your calls until you say not to, unless it's an emergency." She wanted Olivia to be able to drop any guards she wanted or needed to.

Barba nodded. "Thank-you" He said. Carmen nodded back. She left the room, and closed the door behind her. Barba watched as Olivia quickly drank the hot coffee. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I thought I was late, I'm not."

Barba watched her for another moment, trying to get a read on her. "What's wrong with Noah?"

She finished the coffee, and looked into his green eyes. "I woke up to him coughing, and he had a low grade fever. Dr. Taylor agreed to see him at 7:00 this morning. "That's why I thought I was late."

"He's ok?" Barba asked.

"Dr. Taylor said it's just a cold, but I should keep an eye on it. Noah's with Lucy now, she feels bad, because she took him to a play date, and the kid may have been sick. She said his nose was runny.I took Noah home, and came straight here."

"You didn't stop at the squad room yet today?"

"No, I couldn't, if I had I would have been late. I called Rollins and Fin on my way back to my apartment. That's a long doctor's appointment for a cold. Barba thought, but he didn't say it. Olivia continued speaking. "When I heard Noah coughing like that, I got so... scared. I thought he might have to be admitted into the hospital again."

"Liv, it's a cold." Barba said gently. "I'll bring over a game, and some soup for him." Olivia laughed. Barba continued." Dr. Taylor said you need to keep an eye on him?. You can't keep more of an eye on Noah than you do already. You can't lock him up or place him in a bubble."

"Sometimes, I wish I could." Olivia said. Barba smiled. "I just want to keep him safe and healthy." She continued.

"I know." He answered gently

He watched as she threw away the paper coffee cup. He followed her with his eyes as she paced. "I need to keep a closer eye on him. I knew something was wrong yesterday when he took a second nap. I shouldn't have let him go to the park. "What am I doing?" Barba got up from his desk. "What kind of mother am I?"

"Ok. stop." Barba said. He strode to the middle of the room. She continued to pace. "You need to stop now, you are a phenomenal mother."

"That's the second time in 24 hours you said that."

"That should tell you something." Olivia stopped pacing.

"How do you know?" She said softly.

Barba placed his hands on her shoulders. "I have eyes. Noah is a lucky little boy. He's lucky to have you."

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