Aaliyah Blaine

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«Aaliyah Blaine»
*Chapter 14*


As I walked into Erik's apartment it got colder the more I walked deeper in. I really do have feelings for Erik like that's not a doubt but I don't know if I'm ready to tell him yet. We have been through so much , between me accidentally calling his father a bitch to his boss and ex-girlfriend kidnapping me no more than 9 hours ago.

The feelings I have for Erik I can't explain but right now... Maybe I should , or at least try to. I sat down on the coach and it was rather warm but it was pitch black I could still see him. He sat down next to me and just pulled me on his lap. He didn't say anything and I leaned down to peck his lips. I put both my legs on both sides of him , so that I could straddle his lap. He put his hands on both sides of my face before smiling at me. I could see the slight gold on his teeth.

He pecked my lips again and I felt his bread scratch the bottom of my chin. Yet we still have yet to exchange any words. Just look at each other like we're communicating through our eyes and the way we look at each other. Before his eyes go sad and like he's lost in his thoughts.

I rubbed my thumb against his cheek to assure him that it's okay. N'Jadaka is just a boy within Erik and Killmonger he's just lost and looking for somebody to actually love him as much as he's been hurt from foster cares and group homes he deserves love. Erik is his other persona he plays from time to time , Erik deserves love as well but he likes to intimidate others. Killmonger on the other hand, I don't like him... Killmonger doesn't have any emotions what so ever and he gets like that sometimes and gets a lil disrespectful. Killmonger is his really dark side and it comes out sometimes when he drunk and it scares me.

But right now, he was showcasing N'Jadaka. I keep rubbing my thumb against his cheek in circles now cause it's honestly hurting right now. We still haven't spoken and now I'm sucked into my thoughts. What will I tell him? Have I already told him? I really hope he's okay.

He pecks my lips one more time and finally breaks the silence. "Something told me you we're coming." He stated. A tear fell from his right eye and i wiped it off before he grabbed my wrist and looked at me again.

It's like I could feel all his pain with this one look and it honestly hurt. I wanted to cry as well but it wasn't the right time. I never knew N'Jadaka was in this much pain.. I knew he was hurt but never this much. N'Jadaka is also the one who has lost his father and got left in America by his own uncle which is wrong.

"Erik I like you. Like I really like you. After all that we have been through and how I really shouldn't like you but I do and I honestly don't understand why but whenever im with you it feels like a burden is left from my shoulder and I can finally just be Aaliyah Blaine , Not recreation Aaliyah or wakandan Aaliyah. But my true self, and I like feeling this why." I said looking at him directly in his eyes.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we made our way to his bedroom. He laid me down on his sheets before laying right between my legs with his hands on the sides of my face making a small distance in between us. Before moving and sitting next to me.

"Who would've thought that this was where we would always have i deep ass conversations at." He said looking at the ceiling. He grabbed my hand before saying, "I like you too." And I looked over to him before putting my head on his chest and playing with his keloids.

Anything for you » Erik KillmongerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora