Thank You?

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  * Listen to the music😏😉 it sets the tone of this chapter *

«Thank You?»
*Chapter 2*

I woke up in the middle of the night and he was still there. I still had on my clothes and so did he. At least I can trust him.

I was laying on his chest with dried tears stained on my cheek. The moonlight illuminated the room shining bright. His arm had a tight grip around my waist.

If I had moved then he would wake up. Well at least I thought he was sleep. "You ok?" He said startling me. I looked up and nodded. "Aaliyah you can talk to me." He said again. That was the first time he called me Aaliyah and not Princess, Babygirl, Mamas, Baby-cakes, Chocolate swirl, or Ma.

I was the only girl he called Baby-Cakes and Chocolate swirl. Yet I don't know why he calls me those pet names. So if he didn't call me but any of those. He was serious.

"Erik I lost somebody important to me. I don't think I'll feel the same anymore." I said looking up at him. He was already staring at me.

Believe it or not. Me and Erik aren't as close as we seem. We just have a different type of connection that I didn't even know existed. He was calm around me and I felt secure around him. Yet, I always claimed I didn't like him at all. Just rivals that protected each other every once in a while.

He nodded before looking up at the ceiling. I'm not Erik so I don't know how he's feeling. We stayed in our same position til I heard soft s'mores coming from Erik. I shook my head before moments later I was asleep also.

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I was awoken by a knock on my room door. I moved Erik's arm waking him up in the process. "What's wrong?" He asked with his eyes fluttering open.

I turned around and laughed at his half awoken state. "Nothing go back to sleep." I said waving him off. I opened my door and it was just A'Esha. "Yea Esha?" I asked.

"I wanted to just Che-" she stopped once she seen Erik  on my bed. "Erik spent the night." She whispered and I nodded. She had this dumb smirk on her face. "Hey Erik" she said smiling at me but waving at him. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see him wave back before turning over and I guess going back to sleep. "You two crazy kids have fun now" she said closing the door.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some clothes to get in the shower. I went in did my daily routine and came back out.

He was sitting up on his phone and I just felt like annoying him. I walked over and straddled his lap. His eyes moved up to look at my before he raised a brow and I tried to grab his phone but he pushed me off of him gently and I wanted to be dramatic and fall off the entire bed.

 His eyes moved up to look at my before he raised a brow and I tried to grab his phone but he pushed me off of him gently and I wanted to be dramatic and fall off the entire bed

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He just laughed. I came back up and just put my middle finger up at him. "Yea haha and hehe now watch I get your ass back." I said to him.

"You ass wanted to be dramatic nobody told you to fall off the entire bed and why do you have so many pillows." He asked grabbing one and throwing it at me.

"Bitch. This ain't you room and throw another pillow watch I punch your ass." I said and he just laughed. I will punch him only cause I know he wouldn't hit me back. He grabbed another pillow and threw it at me this one hitting my face.

I ran towards him only to get picked up and He slammed me on the bed and hovered over me in between my legs. He was inches away from my face and his lips looked so soft.

I put my legs around his waist and flipped us over to where I'm on top and he didn't have it so he flipped us both back over.

A'Esha burst in my room with out knocking "y'all want some p- YALL FUCKING!?!??" She said looking at our position.

We quickly moved from our position "No! We was playing" I said looking over at him. I looked down and back up at A'Esha who eyes were wide.

"Y'all was fucking. It's good though. Imma leave y'all alone so y'all can finish" she said bout to leave out but Erik scoffed making Me & A'Esha look at him.

"If we was fucking you would've heard her screaming my name." He said pointing his thumb at me.

I rolled my eyes and before I can protest A'Esha just nodded and the closed door before saying "Oop. Y'all do- I- you know what imma just leave."

I looked at Erik and pushed his arm even though I know it wouldn't faze him. "Why would yo- bruh- look I don't scream nobody name during sex soooo. Cut that outta your life and I don't give my pussy to any and everybody like these girls throwing themselves at you." I said looking him up and down. "I ain't no hoe." I said the last part going to grabbed my phone.

"I ain't no hoe ei-" I laughed cutting him off of his sentence. This nigga was bout to lie in my face.

"Nigga you fucked every girl on campus." I said looking up at him. He had a smirk plastered on his face already and I just rolled my eyes. That's not cute Sir.

"Nah I ain't fuck every girl. I ain't fuck no girl on campus actually. They just gave me head. I don't give head and dick out you gotta earn that shit Baby-cakes." He said walking closer to me. "You assumed that but I ain't fuck you yet." He said licking his lips.

I had my eyes glued to my phone not wanting to even see him even though I wasn't paying attention at all to my phone. I was critically listening to what he was saying. He pulled my chin up to look at him. "You are never going to fuck me either so. Push the thought out of your head, Sir." I said pushing his hand away from my chin.

He nodded and rubbed his hands together. "You say that now. I'll be here when you ready to take this dick, Chocolate swirl" he said using my favorite pet name that he gave me. Out of all of his pet names for some reason Chocolate Swirl made me mushy inside.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. "Nigga shut your little dick ass up" I said. He raised a brow before nodding.

"Babygirl, 9 inches ain't small what so ever." He said laughing. My eyes widen and I nearly chocked. Did he just say 9 inches?

9 inches? FUCK NO!! I can't and won't take no damn 9 inches. That's j- nope fuck that. Wait IM NOT GOING TO FUCK HIM. Why am I even debating this.

I pushed the thought to the back of my head "don't you got to go home?" I asked changing the subject.

"You putting me out?" He asked. I laughed and didn't respond. "Damn. I'm getting put out. Yea Imma leave in a few. You good though?" He asked.

I nodded and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you for comforting me last night.. I guess your not that bad." I said laughing. He shook his head and we said our goodbyes.

Word count: 1,274

Decided to write 2 chapters since y'all liked the first one.

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