The Recreations

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«The Recreation»
*Chapter 9*


"Where should I start?" He asked. I laid my head on his chest and my head raised and fell with his breathing.

"Wherever you want to." I started.

"I was quiet today because I seen your connection with your family. Shit, your neighborhood for the matter. You had it all Aaliyah.. that is a white looking neighborhood. Me on the other hand, I didn't grow up like you." He said before taking a deep breath.

"How did you grow up then?" I asked curiously. It seemed like a hard ass topic to talk about but the good thing is he trust me enough to talk about it.

"In Oakland til I was 12. As much as I wish to erase the memory I remember it like it was yesterday. I was outside playing basketball with my friends my Uncle James and my father was upstairs discussing business. I knew what they meant by business so I just continued to play basketball. Something rung to me when I see a flash of 3 blue lights pop up in the clouds  then vanish just like that. I ran upstairs to my fathers apartment and...." he stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. "He was there on the apartment floor laying lifeless. When I went over to grab him my nosey ass next door neighbor called 911 I was sitting on the ground with my father dead in my arms with panther claws in his chest. I knew what it meant. His own brother killed him left me there and my Uncle James rolled out with him. I was put in the most fucked up foster homes there was in Oakland. Only friend that stayed was Steven." He finished.

His father was Prince N'Jobu. King T'Chaka killed him?

I sat up now curious. "Your from Wakanda?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed.

"No. I'm from Oakland. My homeland is Wakanda though. I don't fuck with them like that. How you know about Wakanda?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was born there. I just wasn't raised there. I was raised in New York. Me, My mother and Normani came to America because my Father and Mother thought it would be good for us to have an American life. I stayed in Wakanda til I was 6 then came to America. So in my case I think I'm more American then I am Wakandan since I've been here since I was 6. I just get a lot of my... specialties from Wakanda. So you never been to Wakanda?" I asked.

He nodded and I straddled his lap before pulling his lip down revealing the Wakandan mark. "I told you I was Wakandan. Just ain't born or raised there. My father was a prince though." He said.

"I know. I know who your father is... just never knew he had a child." I stated shrugging my shoulders.

"Why did you leave Wakanda. You just don't leave.. gotta have been exiled or some fucked up shit they on down there." He said Wakanda's name with straight hatred.

"Nah. Generally, I am a war dog so I was going to leave either ways... I left with my mother... like I said to live an American Life." I stated. "I've heard a lot about Prince N'Jobu.. it was some fucked up shit but I wanna hear it from you. How was he like. They made him sound like a bad guy." I asked.

"He was real cool. People had a lot of respect for him mostly because he was all about the community. Especially the black community. Did all of it without a name ya' know. That's how he met my mother. She was arrested in the process when the found out My dad was doing business with Klaue. Died inside of the prison cell." He stated.

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