No Calls, No Text

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«No Calls, No Texts»
*Chapter 4*


Over the course of 2 weeks. I've been hanging with Erik. We finally get a break from school cause of the summer. Me and Erik been chilling.

He was currently sitting at the edge of my bed and I was laying on the floor he is watching Amine on my Tv and the ceiling was watching me. I know what I said. The ceiling is watching me.

"Erik. Bruh I'm bored." I said finally sitting up. I soon realize I got up a little too fast cause I felt lightheaded for about a quick 2 minutes.

"Well. Let the ceiling watch you again. Y'all seemed like y'all was having a great conversation." He said finally looking at me. I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger. No I wasn't talking to the ceiling but I was talking to myself about a bunch of nonsense.

He got down and tickled me making me instantly squeeze my elbows into my side. I did that too hard and groaned soon after. He laughed. I hate when he did that shit.

About 4 days ago, Erik figured out that if you tickle my sides. I can 'Magically' feel it in my armpits and my reflexes come in quick making me laugh for 2 seconds then squeeze my elbows to fast without thought and it hits my side very hard and that shit hurts.

I kicked him and my foot slipped a little to far. He groaned and grabbed between his legs. "Aaliyah. That shit hurt bruh. What the hell is wrong with you." He yelled.

I laughed a little before putting my hands over my mouth and walking over to help him. "You ok- ERIK THAT SHIT HURT BITCH!!" I yelled. I tried to help him and he pulled me to the ground and twisted my nipple.

"I bet it did. My dick hurt cause of you." He yelled back trying to go sit on the bed. "And call me a bitch again." He said finally sitting on the bed and still holding between his legs.

"If I got breast cancer bitch you paying for my hospital bill and i just called you a bitch again. Bitch." I said getting up to hold my right boob. What's with men and titties do they not know these things are sensitive. Damn. I could've had some serious breast cancer.

"I bet I want and" he said grabbing me again and pulling me towards him. We were a little to close. He had his hand on my waist and I was positioned between his legs. "Stop calling me a bitch." He said again. Our faces were inches apart and as much a I hate to admit it. This nigga was actually Fine. He bit his lip and then his phone buzzed.

I sucked my teeth and moved out of his grip. Fun time over. I take back what I said. He grabbed his phone and I went to my nightstand to find my bonnet. It's like 12 at night and I'm going to sleep. We have been hanging out on the late night and all he gets is a Phone call and rolls out saying it's business reasons and he'll be back in the morning so we can continue to have fun. He's technically the only person I can hang with right now. A'Esha is in Jamaica for about 5 more days to hang with her family.

So the Apartment is lonely and Erik says he hangs with me for 'Comfort' we both know that's not true but if he wants to keep that act I'll let him. He just doesn't want to admit that I'm actually cool to hang with.

I was deep in my thoughts before he snapped his fingers. I turned my attention towards him and my eyes started to get heavy. "What?" I asked with a slight attitude.

Anything for you » Erik KillmongerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin