Fuck You, I Love You

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«Fuck You, I Love You»
*Chapter 10*


A week went by have I talked to Erik? Nope. Do I plan to? Hell no. He can kick rocks.. and I mean just that.

Today was Normani's birthday and with Grandma gone.. I want it to just be Me, Normani, and A'Esha.

The moonlight was beaming through my curtains with my lava lamp illuminating my room. For some reason for the past 5 days I I've been having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night like a crazy person.

Generally I don't know what it is, but it needs to stop I'm missing so much sleep because of it.

I groaned before sitting up and staring into the half blackness of my room. I could've sworn I felt my bed dip and then come back up. I was still half sleep but that action it's self made me wake up immediately.

I looked around me very aware of my surroundings. I seen a black figure move from one side of the room to the other before slowly walking towards me. I tried to move my hand but it didn't work.

I was stuck in my position. I couldn't blink, I couldn't talk. The figure came closer to me before it hit the moonlight reflection and revealed who it was.


"Wassup Baby Girl, Miss me?" He smirked.

I sat up fast seeing it was morning. I looked around before grabbing the knife I always keep under pillow.

OH HELL NO! I know damn well I'm not having nightmares of this nigga. Bast strike me down where I stand.. don't let me start dreaming about this nigga. Let alone nightmares.

I wiped my eyes before looking at my phone and checking all my notifications. Today was My Birthday and I don't want a big ass party what so ever.

July 17 a day I want over as fast as it started.

As a younger child, I was always excited for my birthday.. now it's just a day where I realize I'm getting hella old.

When I turned 10, I was of course excited cause of my double digits. I had a Disney Princess Party. Face Paint and all I thought I was the shit.

When I turned 13, I had my first Houseparty. Big ass house. A lot of people.

When I turned 16, My mother rented out a whole venue for me to have my Sweet 16. I thought it was lit asf.. a lot of other people did too.

Now, I'm just tryna have a inner circle party. I don't got time for drama.. bitches.. and most definitely Erik bitch ass.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Erik⚰️🧨: Happy Birthday Princess, I know we not on good terms.. but still Happy Birthday.

Me: Mhmm.. Thank you.

I was going to say some other shit.. but I'm nice.

I got out the bed and went to A'Esha room to get on her nerves. I walked into her room slowly before jumping on her bed and she immediately woke up and grabbed the knife she always kept under her pillow.

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