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  I woke up in my own bed, I check my clock. It's almost noon. I stare at my hands. Dk died in my arms. Then I began to wonder what would have happened if Dk hadn't moved his wires. If I didn't get onto the bed. If he didn't help me up. If me and him switched seats when we were driving. If I didn't run back into the house to grab my book.

  I needed to calm down. I try and get out of bed, but I didn't have a wheelchair chair, and my legs felt like jello. I use my arms and drag myself across my floor. Thank gosh I was on the 1st floor, I couldn't handle going down stairs. I manage to open my door. "This is tiring." I groan, I then hear a door open. "J-J-Joshua?" I hear a voice, I look up to see Wonwoo. "Help me, I can't walk." I plead. He nods and grabs my hand pulling me up, I could hardly stand, so he picked me up.

"Why did I find him butt scooting across from my room?" Wonwoo asks as we walks into the kitchen. "The nurse wouldn't let us take home a wheelchair for him." Seungcheol explained. He also had to explain Dk's death to the other members which was painful. The second Wonwoo set me down, Dino flung his arms around me. "H-H-Hyung!" He cries. I felt bad for out makanae, it must have been hard to have to go through losing 4 of his hyung's.

  We finally met back up with are manager and company. At this point, carats and others heard of the death's. We filmed a video, explaining the situation, the deaths, my condition. We told the carats we were not going to disband, but we just need some time to get back to normal, and figure out our plan.

I was going across the internet after that video was updated, and the news of us was all over the internet. So many people posted reaction videos, and fmv for the other members. One thing I saw in practically ever video was. #LongLiveTheVocalUnit, and 'What will we do without the vocal unit.' I wanted to tell them. 'I'm still here, I'm still part of the vocal unit.' Did people really forget, I was a member.

  "What about me?"

I then managed to get into Woozi's studio. I went through his computer. I pulled up a song. The vocal unit was working on it, as a suprise for out upcoming album. I added it to a thumbdrive and gave it to our manager. I told him it was a suprise, so we didn't tell the members.

A few days later, we released our new album; Wingless angels. with a song and video dedicated to each member. With a song called, Missing you. I was given the opening verse and closing line, hitting a highnote, "I Miss youuuuuuuuuu!" I wanted to keep my promise to Dk. Are title track was the song Hug. It was from the vocal unit. The other members cried. They were shocked I had added this.

  Then the worst part was approaching, their funerals. We were going to have one, in their birthplaces, and then one in here in Seoul. I was dreading going, Seungcheol said I could stay home, if I felt uncomfortable, I refused and said I wanted to go.

"What about me?" (Joshua Hong)Where stories live. Discover now