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  "Guys Joshua woke up!" The8 says shaking my shoulder. I bolt up and race to the nurse. "Hong Jisoo is waking up right now, I can only have one person in his room, to avoid him waking up in a room filled with people." She says and the other members nominated me since I was the leader.

  I enter the room. And pull up a chair. Joshua stirs at my presence. He opens one eyes and lets out a groan. "Head hurt?" I ask and he nods. "Hey Coups." Joshua says voice scratchy. "Water?" I ask holding out a cup. He nods and raises a shaky hand to grab the cup. I adjust his seat, and helped his sitting up so he wasn't laying down.

  "Can you still not feel his legs?" I asked, Joshua leaned over and smacked him hand against the side of his leg. "Nope." He says, "That was so stupid. And the doctors said you banged up your legs, so you'll be in a wheelchair for some time." Seungcheol says. "Wait so I won't be able to perform?!" Joshua asked eyes wide. "No no you'll be able to perform but you'll just be in a wheelchair for some time." I explain and Joshua breathes a sigh of relief.

  "What about the others, how bad are their injuries?" Joshua asked and I avoided eye contact. "Seungcheol what about the other members." Joshua asked seriously. "Woozi died on impact. Jeonghan died last night in surgery. And Seungkwan died this morning, he was on life support." I murmur. "Wait your kidding." Joshua gasps. "I wish I was Joshua." I say. I can see Joshua tense up.

  "What about Dk?" Joshua asks nervously. "The nurses says he'll wake up soon." I say giving him a small hopeful smile. Joshua started straight ahead. "Joshua?" I ask "Plz leave." He says his voice was emotionless. I nodded and exited the room.


  They were dead. Woozi died upon impact, Jeonghan dying through surgery, Seungkwan's life support was cut to short. Dk was still alseep. My friends were dead. Just thinking I'd never see them again. I felt hot tears streaming down my face. I burst out sobbing. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

  I clung onto my pillow my nails about to rip a whole through the fabric. "Why?!" I cried out. "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!" I sob. Why was I the one who was alive. The one who would survive this crash. I spent the rest of the night having a mental breakdown.

I wondered what was happening to the other members. What there reactions were. Are they sleeping, are they eating. Have they even got home. Does the media know of the members death? How are carats reacting!?

"What about me?" (Joshua Hong)Where stories live. Discover now