Council Changes

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They pulled up in front of a large modern building that surprised Misty. They got out and kept Misty between them. She could not help but crane her neck to admire the beautiful walls that went skyward and made the high rise almost a sculpture.

Rad looked down at her. "Don't let them intimidate you. Alex and I will handle this."

She looked at the beautiful entrance as they went through the double set of doors. She was aware of some type of carpet underfoot but they did not slow down as they went into the main lobby. She had an impression of something spectacular in the floor and walls. She even tried to look up at the chandelier above, but the two large men on each side of her moved with determination across the floor, their boots ringing loudly on the marble.

She saw that there was a desk with guards and a beautiful receptionist at one side. Her men ignored everything and everyone as they approached a bank of elevators and went to one that had a man standing in front, holding the door open for them.

They entered and the elevator started to rise. She looked around, noticing no buttons and no indication as to which floor they were going to, but she guessed they were going to the top floor. The car stopped and the doors opened. They went into a very expensive and large conference room. It was occupied with a great many people—no, not people, all Vampires, sitting behind the table at the other end. Behind the ones sitting were others standing, either by the chairs or back against the walls or in groups, all back on one end of the room.

As she looked, she knew even without her Vampire alarm system that these people were special, all one-hundred percent Vampires. All were beautiful, tall, and perfect, each in their own way. But she was really uncomfortable as they all stared at her. She became aware that there was a loud silence in the room. She looked up at Rad as he took a step forward.

"Chasim, are you speaking for the Council?" His deep velvet voice carried well in the conference room.

She watched as a tall, handsome man stood and stepped forward. He approached Rad but looked past Rad's imposing stance to stare at her.

"We find we have an opening on the Council, so the elders must elect to fill the void." His voice carried to everyone in the room.

Rad took a step forward and the tall man stopped and looked up at him. "Strange, I did not receive an invitation. I also see a couple of others missing. I am sure this is just a mistake of a servant."

Chasim looked at Rad and at Alex. "We are not familiar with this one. Yet there is an aura of power about him that says we should have had some time or relations with him. Introduce us."

Alex stepped forward and Rad spoke without looking at Alex. "Allow me, this is a member of my blood family, pledged to me, Alexander Bider. He is my nomination for the open seat on the Council."

Chasim took a step back. He turned and looked at the others behind him. He slowly returned to his chair. A woman who was standing against the back wall came around and forward. She did not step too close but stood with an attitude. In a beautiful, almost singing voice she stated, "I know of Alexander—he was turned only four hundred years ago. We are aware that his blood is pure, so he started out with a lot of benefits, but what is this foolishness to propose that a youngster be on the Council?" She wore a flowing gown with long soft sleeves that fluttered as she moved her hands.

Alex moved forward another step. "Hello, Gunhild. You are correct, you are centuries older than I am. But sometimes it is not age, but knowledge and power." He held out his hand as if asking her for a dance.

She hesitated, but Misty decided that the woman did not want to look like a coward in front of the others, so she stepped over to Alex with the grace of a ballerina and placed her hand in his outstretched one.

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