Girl Running

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The Council had made its decision. It was going to strip Bathromo of his district and his command, along with some of his powers. This act was like brain surgery on mortals. Having several strong Vampires actually going into his power center would reduce the mental powers of the strong old Vampire.

Bathromo roared at the reading of the verdict, and Rad was thinking he would be instrumental in the sentence, when he felt the vibration of his phone. He had taken several messages during the Council hearing, but they had been normal business. So he had looked at the names, ignored or read the messages, deciding to answer later. This time he expected more of the same type of information as he took his time pulling and looking at the cell face, but a shock set in as he read the short message. She is gone. Alex.

He stood up. All five council members' eyes pierced him. Interruptions were not approved. "Sorry, true emergency." He left the room and of course, a servant ran ahead to open doors and summonedthe elevator. He had his sunglasses on and was in his car ordering a private jet almost before the car was moving. He hunted for contacts and was able to reach a military contact in England that would get him to Washington in a jet, as fast as the now non-existent Concord. He chartered a private jet from Rome to the military base in England. Before getting outfitted for the small fast plane, he was able to have a private jet waiting for him in Washington to get him to Alex. From there he would find out where to start looking for her. Time was of the essence—her life was at stake.

He made the flights to reach Alex faster than anyone could have under normal circumstances, but he was still frustrated by the hours lost in the travel time. He did use the Vampire speed as he landed at night, going from the airport to the suite atop the apartment complex where he had left her. He flew through the stairwell, flying above the stairs and knocking the kitchen door off it's hinges as he burst into the apartment.

Alex was waiting, standing in the middle of the living room with Rad's servant, Marco.

Marco bowed to Rad and reported. "We have contacted the leaders of domains in three states that owe you allegiance. We also have sent out a reminder on the Council Directive on the woman. We have several volunteers of your team who are willing to be here at your service when you say." Marco quit talking, and watched as Rad began to strip.

Rad went into his bathroom to the shower, leaving the water cold, and washed off the travel stains that he was feeling. He started dressing in black leather pants, black tee shirt, and pulled out a black leather jacket. He found his favorite black Italian leather boots that reached half way to his knees.

Both men watched all of this in silence. But when he pulled out two silver knives, one short one that fit into his boot and one long one that went into the sheath that was on his back between his shoulders, the men looked at each other.

Finally Alex spoke. "You are in hunting garb. You are going alone?"

Rad looked up at them. There was a glow in his eyes and a look on his face that neither of them wanted to question. "I am the best enforcer the Council has—that makes me the best hunter. I want this female. Yes, I am going alone. Anyone else would throw off the scent. Do not let the Council know that she is not in our possession. Marco, take care of my businesses and investments as usual. Alex, stay in touch with your cell phone in case I do need you for any reason." He left through the stairwell, half flying as he dropped down the opening.

He took the sedan to the nightclub first, to follow her trail from the table to the dance floor, to the bathroom, to the back door. He found where she went out into the alley. He knew without a doubt which way she had gone, but at the street he lost her scent. So, would she take a taxi or a ride from a stranger? He would check out taxis first.

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