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Misty came out of the store and because she was on the second floor of the mall, she started towards the escalator. She was struck with a flashback. Standing close to the top of the escalators, leaning against the rail that looked down on the first floor, was a tall dark guy. He was in the exact same position as the man who had accosted her several weeks earlier. It had been the strangest episode altogether.

The man had approached her, seemed to know her, but she was positive she did not know him. He was tall and good looking, not the type of man she would forget. He had his hips parked against the railing near the escalators, waiting. When she wandered down the wide marble walkway between open stores and saw him, she had actually smiled. But she was surprised when he had walked up just as she reached the top of the moving stairs. He gave her a warm smile in return and said her name. He took her elbow and said she wanted to donate blood. She had pulled away immediately, but he was unusually strong and as she stepped back he hung onto her arm. He seemed surprised that she was resisting. People were stopping behind her and some were moving around as other people were moving up or down the escalators.

She had looked around, shouted loudly, which was what self-defense classes taught her to do. She yelled help and told him to let go in that same loud voice. She only had one package, so she dropped it and with her free hand she reached into her large purse. The mace was a round can in the bottom and easy to find. An older man had stepped up to ask what was the problem and as the man holding her looked away from her, she got the mace out to spray him in the face. He let out a yell, letting go, so she pushed him backward. He fell onto the escalator, rolling downward, taking others with him who started screaming and hitting him. In the distance she saw a mall cop coming, so she just turned around, picked up her package and took off. She pushed through the people who were gathering to see what was so entertaining.

Today she slowed down because of the flashback and because this guy was also looking at her. This guy had a different look about him. Strange—she had thought at first he had the appearance of the previous man who had accosted her. Very tall, well over six-three or six-four, and since she was five-nine, she was usually interested in tall guys. But he had a look that, although handsome, shouted danger. He had long dark hair and a dark complexion, as if he was Greek or Italian. He had his arms crossed, which pushed out the muscles under the dark tee shirt. He had on dark jeans that fit tight and she was afraid to see any more. Drug lord or gun dealer—at least, he had that look. So she just did a short turn and started down the stairs that were to the left of the moving escalators.

As she got down a couple of steps she glanced back and was actually disappointed that he was still standing, not looking over at her but looking down the corridor of shops in which she had first walked. Oh well, it was time she got over the scare of one strange guy. Also, it wouldn't hurt to get over not being attracted to every man who was in the mall. She went out through the busy exit and a couple of guys held the door for her and gave her the once over. Okay, she felt better. Maybe she should start doing something about herself before she went out in public.

She had not cut her hair in a long time. It was easier to just let it stay long and pull it back as she worked. She was taller than average, and because she worked at home she kept her wardrobe simple, tank tops and jeans or shorts, depending on the season. When the weather was cooler she added sweatshirts or sweaters. She stayed in sandals or shoes she could slip on easily because she often would slide off one or both shoes as she worked on the computer or at the drafting board. Her hair was brown, but in the sun it had red highlights and she thought sometime, when she had some extra money, she might have a hairdresser add some more red to it. She had brown eyes but there were some green flecks in them, not enough to be really called hazel, but there had been a couple of guys who claimed to be fascinated by them. Of course, they also wanted in her bed and were probably just saying anything. She stayed inside on her computers too much to get any tan so she just had a soft pale pink skin that she dusted with makeup when she was in the mood. But at least it was clean and clear.

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