Hunting Something Rare

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She woke smelling the chickens all around her and realized the truck had stopped. She climbed up the crates and got to the top to discover it was daylight. She flattened out on top of the crates and crawled to the edge to look around. They were in an industrial area with a lot of other trucks sitting around, loading and unloading. There were a lot of workers and a lot of people loafing around. She went ahead and dropped down off the truck. Misty walked around like she knew where she was going.

She saw a group of people that looked down and out gathered around a corner, so she just went over to stand around with them for a while. With the smell from the restaurant and the chicken shit, she fit right in. She listened as the day drifted to evening. The people came and went in the little group.

Finally a church group came by to hand out sandwiches, offered free condoms and clean needles. One of the nuns looked over at her. "Don't be bashful, be safe, please." She held out a basket with condoms and needles all wrapped individually. She was going to say no but she had an idea. She took a couple of both and ducked her head down. She walked away and watched until she saw a couple of kids take needles. She hung back and followed them. They wandered down alleys, going into an abandoned building. She took her time following them, waiting to see if in the dark there was any Vamp tingle. All she got was a bad smell of urine and old building, unwashed bodies topped with vomit.

She heard faint voices and went down a hallway that led to a room that was lit by flickering lights. When she got close she took her time to look in. She had seen such scenes on TV or movies, but it was different in real life. The first thing was the smell. All of the bodies in the room were dirty. Some of them had not been near water for weeks. There was the smell of rotten flesh and some smells Misty could not identify. Mixed among the resting bodies were an amazing few who were clean and dressed well. These few were totally out of it, due to the drugs.

She watched as the two she had followed took rubber and tied up to insert needles. One did the arm and the other looked like he was going to do his leg or foot. She went down the hall to a darker spot. She pulled out a rubber tie she used for her hair pulling everything up on one arm she double looped the band on her arm and waited for a vein to show in her inside elbow. She inserted a needle, missing the first try that brought a tear to her eye, but hit the vein, then drew the needle full of her blood. She filled the second needle. Misty finally straightened herself up and took the two needles back to the room.

She hesitated, then walked in, but no one paid any attention to her. She looked around trying to decide which one she needed to inject. She needed someone who was healthy enough to move around for a few days, but she also knew she was risking that person's life if a Vampire smelled her blood on them.

She sat and listened to the little talk that was going on and it did not take long to find the first asshole. She was trying to impress a couple of guys who were so out of it on whatever they had shot up with, that whatever she said they just laughed. But Misty saw her reach over and go through the pockets of a guy who was passed out next to her. She found a few bucks and some pills that she put in her pocket but kept on talking the entire time.

She saw Misty looking at her. "What you starin' at, bitch? I'm not sharin' so if you don't have enough, tough shit." She kicked one of the guys near her and he turned around and laughed at Misty.

Misty smiled, trying to look like she was totally spaced. "I am on some new stuff and it is great. I am feeling so good I want to share." She held up the needles. The guy close to her grabbed the needles, but the woman slammed him with her foot. He handed them over with a hungry look. Misty started a crazy laugh, turned weaving, and went out the door. She leaned in the dark against the opposite wall, watching as the woman shot the entire needle of blood. The young woman smiled and looked between the two men. She then threw the full needle into the air. The two guys scrambled for it but Misty decided not to stay around to see what happened. She got out fast and decided it was now time to find a place to clean up and change clothes.

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