Runaway Dave (ch 3)

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As the ambulance sped down the street, sirens blaring, paramedics were trying their best to stop Jack's leg from bleeding. Both Peter and Dave could tell that Jack was getting paler by the second. "ok we're gonna have to lift his leg!" one paramedic called out, another one came rushing in holding a needle, some bandages and a tourniquet, he placed them on the table next to Jack and Dave was promptly shoved out of the way, Peter grabbed him before he could retaliate and they both watched the paramedics begin their work, worry clearly plastered on their faces. One man grabbed Jack's leg and as gently and as quickly as he could lifted it up as the other man wrapped the tourniquet around his upper leg. Jack let out a sharp scream, bringing tears to Dave's eyes as he struggled to try and get close to him and comfort him but eventually gave up and broke down into sobs. Peter was also close to tears as he watched his younger brother whimper and cry out in pain. 

Suddenly the ambulance came to a stop and the doors were opened. The paramedic placed Jack's leg down and unhooked the stabilisers on the trolley before briskly pushing it out the doors, Peter and Dave doing their best to keep up. People were staring as they all ran past the reception area and down a long, white corridor. Eventually they reached A&E, Peter and Dave were blocked at the door and told to sit down and wait although Dave was having none of it " WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO WAIT HERE!?! I'M NOT LEAVING HIM! I HAVE TO BE THERE FOR HIM!! I CAN'T LET HIM-...I can't let him..." he suddenly bursts into tears again, slumping down onto the floor whilst the male nurse and Peter looked down sympathetically at him, Peter also shedding a few small tears himself. Peter crouched down next to him and placed an arm around him, Dave looked up at him, his face still dripping with tears. Eventually Dave got up of the ground and sat in a chair as they began to wait...

Steven's Pov-

Finally it was 6pm and we could all leave, I grabbed my bag and keys and took Dee's hand. There was no time to say goodbye to anyone today. Once outside we hopped into my black Mercedes Benz and placed Dee into the passenger seat, strapping her in "where are we going uncle Steven?" she asked innocently, I sighed, what was an easy way to put this? "we're going to see Peter and Jack" I answered. Her face lit up with excitement as she thought about seeing them again. I started the engine and began driving to the hospital.

After afew minutes of driving around trying to find a parking space we eventually found one and jumped out of the car, grabbing Dee's hand I briskly walked into the entrance and made my way to the reception area. I walked up to the reception desk where a small brunette woman was typing away at a computer "E-excuse me, I'm here to see Jack and Peter Kennedy" she looked up slightly startled then typed something into the computer "They're in the accident and emergency department, corridor 2B" she answered. I thanked her and pushed through the double doors on my left and walked quickly down the corridor, Dee working hard to keep up with me.

 Eventually turning the corner I spot Peter and Dave sitting on afew chairs.

Peter's Pov-

It's been almost 2 hours since we got here and I think both me and Dave are beginning to freak out about this. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming towards us and I turn my head to see Steven and Dee walking towards us "Steven?!" I called out as I jumped up and jogged towards them Steven put on a nervous smile before asking "So, how's Jack?", I sighed before looking down at the ground"it's been almost 2 hours and we haven't heard anything" I reply. He looks down at me for a second before pulling me into a hug "he'll be ok. He's lucky Dave was there to get him out of the full suit" he said trying to comfort me, I hug back and look at Dave who gave me a weak smile as Dee started playing with his hair. 

Unexpectedly, A doctor came through the door and we all turned to look at him "How is he?! how's Jack?" I asked desperately, the doctor shook his head "He lost a lot of blood during the surgery, I'm sorry Mr Kennedy but he's not expected to live much longer unless a blood donor come's through, however we need AB negative blood, which is extremely rare" I immediately broke down on the spot, how could I have left him alone?! Dave just stood there staring, like his whole world had come crashing down and he didn't know what to do, meanwhile Dee and Steven just stared at eachother "If it doesn't trouble you, you might want to say your goodbyes" he then opened the doors and lead us all through to his room.

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