Jack's Happiest day Part 2

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"WHAT! YOU CAN DO THAT!" both boys exclaimed in unison as Dave practically lunged onto the dog, hugging and spinning him whilst laughing hysterically. Blackjack was less than pleased with this and managed to wriggle out of the gleeful mans arms and jump down back next to Jack, taking the hint Dave , slightly embarrassed, walked over to Jack and sat next to him as Blackjack continued "As I was saying we can try to return your soul to your body, but it carries a high risk, are you willing to do this Jack?" 

Jack's Pov-

I looked at Blackjack and Dave as i pondered about what I should do, this really isn't what I planned would happen. Dave looked eager to hear my answer, he would't stop looking at me with that desperate look on his face, I found it kinda cute...wait...cute?! "What's the plan?" I asked before I could think more about that. Blackjack's eyes widened for a moment, then sighed as he proceeded to tell us his plan "If I can get to your body in reality in time then I could become a part of you again and you would be able to pass on, however there is a chance that once that is done you could forget everything that happened after you were stuffed and could change you in a way that can't be undone. Also, if I don't reach your body in time then you will be engulfed by the flames and i would fade away in reality, resulting in both of us being lost forever."

Silence filled the room until Dave snapped up and said " Then what are we waiting for! his body could be burning already!" with this we all felt a sense of urgency, we all got up and Blackjack opened a portal and ran towards it " Good Luck!" me and Dave yelled as Blackjack leaped through the portal into the harsh smoke and flames.

Blackjack's Pov-

The air was thick with smoke and it was very difficult to see anything but I had to try and find Jack, and quickly. Frantically I searched through the hallways, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Cables and wires were scattered everywhere along with various pieces of animatronics and scrap metal he'd done a very good job making sure they were all in one place. I sprinted from one hallway to the next, leaping over animatronic heads and swerving to avoid falling debris. Finally something snapped "THE SHOW STAGE!" , I quickly picked up my pace, hoping against all hope that Jack would still be alive, that he could be saved, that he could get the happy ending he deserved for saving everyone.

Finally, panting heavily I reached the main dining area, but I couldn't see Jack anywhere, did he run out of the building?I head towards the stage and to my surprise I find Jack laying on the ground in front of it. " No no no no no I'm too late!" I cry as I head towards him and nuzzle into him crying. 

Suddenly, i hear something....wait...a heartbeat? HE'S STILL ALIVE! this can still work! I press my paw onto his chest where his heart is and-

Dave's Pov-

It's been a while since the astral-doggo left and I'm beginning to get anxious. Sportsy's  pacing up and down and looks just about as anxious as I am, I notice that he's mumbling to himself now and it's kinda making me more nervous. I hate seeing him like this so I decide to get up and talk to him, " Sportsy, you ok?" he stops pacing and turns to face me, small tears begin to appear in his eyes as he shuffles around nervously "I'm scared Dave. What if something went wrong? what if this wasn't the right choice? what if i forget you?", He then starts to mumble to himself quietly about everything that could happen. I reach out and pull him close to me,"Sportsy, it's all gonna be fine. You helped everyone you could, now it's our turn to help you. That dog always finds a way and it's very unlikely that you're gonna forget someone like me~"  Sportsy chuckled at the last one and began to calm down in my arms. He then looked up at me, blushing lightly " Dave-" he began, but then out of nowhere he collapsed "SPORTSY!".

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