Runaway Dave

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Dave looked out the window into the night sky, was he really willing to do this? He then looked back at all the other sleeping kids in the orphanage, his whole life he was passed around from home to home, only getting a small taste of family life before being rejected back into the orphanage, even the people working there seem to had grown to dislike him. " I can't continue like this, If they can't find me a home...I'll find my own!" he said to himself, trying to pump himself up, opening the window quietly, he hopped out onto the pavement promptly closing the window behind him. Tonight was especially cold but that didn't seem to bother Dave, he picked up his backpack , picked a random direction and started walking, he didn't know where he was going but he knew he had to find someplace to stay, somewhere he belonged...somewhere he was wanted...

Walking down the empty street he noticed how peacefully quiet it was, he enjoyed this compared to the screaming kids in the orphanage. Passing an alleyway he heard a scream, in his panic he dived into a dumpster watching the events take place. Two men were in the alleyway, one was pinned up against the wall, slowly being strangled by a taller, broader man " I warned you Peter, you tell the police what you saw in that saferoom and you'll wish they could stop what I'll do to you." The man now known as Peter was struggling for breath, it didn't look like he would last much longer. Suddenly Dave sneezed, giving away his location, the taller man dropped Peter to the ground and walked over to the dumpster opening the lid. Thinking quickly, Dave grabbed a kebab skewer and jammed it into his eye, making him scream in pain, this was his chance, he jumped out and bolted with Peter around the corner before the man could get his bearings. They both continued running for a while until they were sure they'd gotten away from the other man. " Thanks kid, I don't know what I would've done if you weren't hiding there" thanked Peter before he looked down at Dave noticing his purple hued skin and becoming intrigued "Hey, you have purple skin" Dave looked up at him with a troubled expression "Y-Yeah I know, you're probably disgusted right?" Peter felt bad now "what? no, my brother has the same thing but with orange skin. To be honest we didn't know anyone else had it, let alone in different colours". Dave's eyes lit up at this, he'd never met anyone the same as him before " wow really!? can I meet him?" he exclaimed jumping up and down like an excited puppy, Peter smiled down at him "well you did help me out back us at the park tomorrow and I'll let you two play for a while" Dave jumped up and hugged the man, a huge grin on his face " don'cha worry, me an ya bro are gonna get along just fine. I'll see you at the park!" excitedly he tried to run off but was grabbed by Peter "Wait, what are you doing out here so late anyway? do you even have a place to stay?" he asked, judging by Dave's backpack and his stained clothes he thought he might as well offer him a place to stay for the night "oh," he answered looking down. A moment of silence passed, before Peter asked "would you like to stay the night at my place?" Dave practically leaped up at this question "Yes! please!...wait, you actually want me in your house?" he stopped jumping and sounded sad at that statement "well yeah, you're a kid, I'm not just gonna leave you out here, c'mon""oh by the way what's your name?" asked Peter, "Dave" he beamed.  Skipping by his side, Dave travelled with Peter back to his house, on the way he began thinking " could this be my new family? what were the chances? what if they throw me out like the others?  is his brother really like me? what if they don't like me?"  

By the time they reached the house he wasn't sure if he wanted to go in or not but Peter reassured him he would be fine. "Okay, everyone's asleep so you can sleep in my bed for now, I'll take the couch. I'll introduce you in the morning" Dave nodded and crept up the stairs finding a medium sized room with a double bed, he set down his bag and climbed in surprised by how soft and clean the sheets were. After about 5 minutes something began to bother him, He had to see him, He couldn't get this out of his head for a while, he had to see the orange guy. Eventually he got up and crept down the empty hallway towards the room at the end, carefully he opened the door and was greeted with the sight of a boy the same age as him, curled up in a mass of orange sheets. Silently, he crept up to the bed and carefully pulled back the sheets covering his face and low and behold his skin was a wonderful shade of orange, it looked amazing! A strange feeling came over Dave, it was like meeting his other half,  meeting the one you knew you had to be with, had to love, had to protect, he made him feel...complete... He reached out to touch his soft hair but recoiled in case he woke him up, he crept his way back to bed, satisfied with what he had seen ,either way he would get to see him again in the morning. This cheery thought in mind he crawled back under the soft sheets and closed his eyes excited about getting to talk with him tomorrow.

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