10 - Limping & glowy

385 17 3

C H A P  T E R  T E N


"YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY LAST NIGHT DIDN'T YOU" Annie smiles at me. I spit my water out and wipe my mouth. Did he tell them?

"n-no why would you think that" I stutter not even daring to look at her cause she always knows when i'm lying.

"i don't know maybe it's because you're limping you're more glowing" I straighten my poster and scoff.

"if i did Annie i think i would tell you" I shake my head tapping her shoulder. She rolls her eyes as we sit down with the group. Everyone smiles and stares at me and i look at them in confusion.

"why are you all staring at me" they all look different ways and shrug their shoulders. ok? Johnny comes in from the doors and sits down beside me. I smile giving him a quick peck.

"i missed you" he pulls me closer to him smiling. "i missed you too"

"so what'd you do last night" Jayden speaks up, Johnny rubs the back of his neck.

"yanno we ate dinner then she went home" He says so carelessly. Why can't i lie that easy?

"is that why you weren't home this morning when i came to pick you up so i had to tell your mom you were with Annie" Jayden sits her phone down smirking.

"that's why i had to send a picture of you to your mom" she pauses "you're lucky i have random pictures of you" she points a finger at me.

"ok guys all we did was eat and go to bed i promise" Of course no one believes me but they tend to not push it anymore.

"so tonight's the real football game kenz you coming" Johnny puts his hand on my
thigh. I nod my head smiling. This better be a real game.

6:23 pm
we're sitting on the hot bleachers with the sun blaring down on the players. Johnny glances at me smiling then rams into another player. He falls to the ground and i stand up to get a better view. Sighing in relief he gets back up and gets in stance.

"he's done then a million times Kenzie he's not gonna die anytime soon" Annie laughs. I lay my head on her shoulder and watch the game.

The games over by eight and we're walking down the bleachers to find him.
We turn the corner to see a cheerleader. Talking to him?

"so if you wanna go out this weekend my parents won't be home" She twirls her ponytail making sure her cleavage was showing.

"listen i have a girlfriend sorry" Johnny backs up about to turn until he sees me.
"i'm fact she's right there" he shoves past her embracing me in a hug. The girl crosses her arms, rolling her eyes, walking away. "sorry about that" He rubs my arm looking down.

"it's fine" He opens the door for me and i step in. He throws his stuff in the back and gets in. "so are we matching for prom"

"duh" he turns the car on and we drive off.

"who knew we would be assigned to create prom together and end up falling in love an going to prom together" i instantly paused knowing what i just said.
"i didn't mean that" i look down at my lap.

"i know it's okay" he rubs my thigh and put his hand back on the wheel. The rest of the ride was quiet. I couldn't help but think if i ruined everything.

We pull into my driveway and it's silent for a moment. "do you wanna meet my parents" i question. He nods his head and we get out.

I open the door to see my mom sitting on the couch watching TV. "hey Mackenzie who's this" She puts Maliboo down and stands up. Johnny holds his hand out but she goes in for a hug. "what can i say i'm a hugger" she smiles.

"mom this is Johnny my boyfriend" i gesture to Johnny "Johnny this Melissa my mom" i gesture to mom. "he wasn't staying don't worry i know just introducing" my mom gives him one last smile and we walk out on the porch.

"well i'll see you tomorrow for prom alright" he kisses my forehead then my lips.

"alright bye" i gave him a hug and he walked to the car.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


Authors note
There's only like 3 chapters left :( don't be mad. BUT NOW I CAN FOCUS ON LOVEBITE ;) YOU GUYS ARE REALLY GONNA HATE ME :p

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