05 - food fight

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C H A P  T E R  F I V E


"GET UO MACKENZIE YOU GOTTA GET TO SCHOOL" I awake from dream feeling a shake. I sigh. I don't know why school even exists. We waist 8-9 hours of school to learn about stupid stuff I'm never gonna need in the real world. I'm not even gonna need to know the civil war. I'm not even gonna use 4xy-xt7.

"I'm up I'm up" I sit up yawning and stand up stretching. Here we go another day of hell...

8:00 am
"I'm so excited for prom" Annie leans her head on the locker beside me smiling. "And our last year of highschool you better not move away to a college that's like twenty hours away" she points a finger at me and I smile. Honestly I could care less about prom. We all know I'm not gonna get a date. All my friends will have dates so I'll have no friends to go to prom with.

"Sup princess" Johnny walks up leaning on the other side of me. Annie smiles and walks away. God I hate her. "What's up you haven't texted me" he pouts looking down. I roll my eyes.

"Because I don't want to what do you mean" I cross my arms staring at him.

"Yanno you really hate me for only knowing me for two days I haven't done anything to you" he says then walks away. Now I feel bad... he's right though he hasn't actually done anything to hurt me. Oh my goodness I really don't wanna apologize... ignoring my stubborn mine I run after him.

"Hey sorry about that I guess I just kinda figured you were a douchebag and tried to get in my pants" I confess walking beside him.

"It's fine" the awkward tension builds and we walk into the cafeteria. I walk away to where Jayden was sitting.

"I'm a bitch" I sit down dropping my head on my arms.

"Yea we know" Annie says sitting down. Oh wow thanks. "Sorry why what happened"

"Well I was being mean to Johnny like always I guess and he gets all offensive like saying how he didn't do anything for me to be mean to him like this and more I can't remember" the group looks at me shrugging their shoulders.

"Did he lie though" Asher speaks up and annie smacks his arm "ouch sorry" she rolls her eyes looking back at me.

"I mean kenz he did do nothing to you" she says taking a drink of her water.

"Yea but everyone said he was like the bad boy and fucked so many girls so I kinda figured him flirting with me on literally the first day of school he wanted to have sex with me or something" I ranted hoping they get where I'm coming from.

"Care if I sit here" I turn around to see Johnny with an apple in his hand I nod and he sits down beside me.

"So johnny you taking someone special to prom" Armani ask and he just shakes his head.

"I'm not even going to prom not my thing" He answers and I scoff.

"iM nOt gOiNg tO pRoM" I mock him and laugh. Next thing I know is that water is falling down my- head. Now I have a good fucking reason to hate him. "Are you fucking kidding me" I stand up. Looking around for something to throw I pick up Annie's water bottle and squirt it all over him. He backs up spitting the water out and could you guess what happened next? We were having a food fight. Not how I planned my day at all.

2:00 pm
"Are you guys kidding me" Mr.Dean says as we're sitting in his office. "You guys are in high school not elementary school this is completely immature" he stares at us looking for a response. Feeling guilty enough I look down. "You know what I'm not gonna give you detention because schools almost out" I look up and smile "what I'm gonna do is ask Paisley to let you guys help set up prom" he smiles.

"Yea no I'm not setting up prom when I'm not even going to prom" Johnny butts In standing up. The teacher eyes him and he sits back down rolling his eyes.

"Either you guys help set up prom or your both expelled" he crosses his hands on the desk looking at us back and fourth.

Expelled! Is he insane. I haven't done anything at all my whole school life. Never had detention, never yelled at by a teacher. This all started because of a stupid boy.

"Whatever I'll do it" i answer standing up.
He looks at Johnny waiting for answer. He answers 'fine' and Mr.Dean waves us out of his office. We walk out into the hallway sighing.

"This is all your fault you know you had no reason to dump water on me" I whispered to Johnny. He smirks.

"Maybe if you weren't mocking me" then he pauses "or Yanno maybe I just wanted to see your bra" he turns his head my way and I turn blushing.

"Fuck you" I walk ahead of him then I hear him shout

"Only if you want to"


Authors note
Heyyy thanks again for voting and commenting, I am very appreciative. I love you guys <3

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