Chapter VIIII

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My alarm begins to blare, echoing throughout my room. I groan into my pillow. It's too early to go to work. But, this pays my bills so... I turn it off and face Simon. He has the blanket over his face, peacefully sleeping. I pull it down, scooting closer.

"Simon?" I whisper.

I call out to him a few more times, failing to wake him up. So, I give him a quick kiss before giving up. Guess he'll just have to rush. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine; Wash my face, brush my teeth and hair, and put on my makeup. Since his eyes are closed, I grab my pencil skirt and blouse, changing near my side of the bed.

I've already put on my skirt. By the time I'm barely starting to button up my blouse, I hear him wake up. At first I think I'm hearing things, but the look on his face says otherwise.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I thought you were asleep." I turn away, blushing.

"I-I was," he sputters, covering his face.

"Um, it's time to get up. We have half an hour to get to work. Do you think that's enough time for you?" I ask, quickly buttoning my blouse.

"Yes. I'm gonna head home to get ready. I'll see you at work," he says, getting out of the bed.

Simon walks over and kisses me. Then, he puts on his shoes and leaves. Next time, I'll make sure to change in the bathroom. But right now, I gotta go. I put on my flats and grab my keys, jogging out to the car. It's a ten minute drive. Based on the time it took me to get ready, I should get there with six minutes to spare.

As expected, I was right. I walked to my desk and continued my story. Simon showed up a minute later, dressed in his white button up shirt with a tie. His appearance seemed proper, although his hair was disheveled. He forgot to fix his bed head. Not that it's bad. It's actually pretty attractive. I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't notice him come over to me.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi. I need to go get some more paper from the storage room. Did you need some?" I ask, seeing if he'll get the hint.

"Uh, I think I'm okay. I'll get some later."

"Are you sure you don't need some? We could go get some. In the back room, alone," I say.

He thinks about it, not getting the heavily implied offer. "Oh! Oh. Yes, I think I might need some."

I smile, rolling my eyes. Then, I take his hand, leading him to the empty room. Once we're alone, I close the door, pushing him up against it. I stand on my tippy toes, kissing him. A few minutes later, he leaves a trail of soft kisses from my cheek to my neck. My hands grab his hair, urging him on. I feel a light, yet forceful feel on my neck. A sigh escapes my lips. 

"S-Simon, maybe w-we should go back out," I manage to say.

He stops. "Did I mess up? I'm sorry."

"No. It just might look suspicious if we're in here too long."

"It would. Okay," he said, slightly pursing his lips.

I give him a hug and grab a stack of paper. As he's opening the door, I tap his shoulder. He looks over and I giggle, combing his hair with my fingers.

"There," I say.


We leave the room, parting ways and acting as if nothing happened. When I finally get to my desk, Mr. Patterson is waiting for me. He's impatiently tapping his foot and checking his watch. Let's hope I don't get yelled at.

"Mr. Patterson, it's nice to see you."

He turns around, an awful frown on his face. "Where have you been Ms. Vaile?"

"I was getting more paper for my printer," I stated, leaving out a thing or two.

"Was anyone else with you?" He smirked.

"I did run into Windell while I was there."

"Which one?" 

"Simon Windell, sir." Why did he keep questioning me?

"I see. It must've been a pleasant surprise. Carry on," he said, walking away with a knowing smile.

I brushed it off and continued working on my story. I was assigned to write about the suspects of a robbery that happened two days ago. A man took all the money from a gas station, then shot the cashier in the leg and drove away in a white Cadillac. My friends and I work for the local newspaper. It was originally just Simon and me, but the others joined us so we could spend more time together. 

I'm typing away when my phone rings. "Hello, you have reached The Colorado Daily. What would you like assistance with?"

"Keira, it's Hailey."

"Oops. My bad. What's up?" I ask.

"Could you come to my desk for a second?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Okay." She hangs up.

I walk past some coworkers, making my way to Hailey. I get there and she stares at me.

"So it's true..." she whispered.

"What is?"

"I passed some people gossiping in the halls. I was going to keep walking, but then I heard your name. Being the good friend that I am, I made sure they weren't saying anything bad. Though, they said our boss caught you with a hickey on your neck. I didn't believe them at first, but there it is. It's as plain as day, a pink splotch on the left side," she explained, still in shock.

"Hickey? I don't have a-" I paused, remembering the sensation I felt just under an hour ago.

"That's not all. People are saying you and Brady are having an affair."

"What?! No! I would never," I say.

"Then, who did that to you?"

"Uh, i-it's all a blur. Everything happened so fast." 

"Keira, I know you. You wouldn't just make out with a random person. Was he a good kisser? Spill. Was it Simon?" She crosses her arms.

"N-No. It was my... boyfriend. Okay! Yes, it was Simon," I admit.

"Omg. Boyfriend?! Since when?"

"Yesterday." I laugh.

She squeals with joy. "I've been waiting for this since we were in middle school! But now that I know it was my brother, don't give me any details. The less, the better." She shivers.

"Aw, come on. I have to tell you about the way he holds onto me and ugh. He does this thing with his-" 

"No! Stop it! I don't want to hear it." Hailey covers her ears.

I'm practically doubled over on the floor, crying from laughing so hard. To everyone around us, I may look insane. Scratch that. I do look insane. In my fit of laughs, Collin and Chloe walk over too.

"Whoa. Nice mark, Kiera," Collin says, praising the effort put into it.

"Well, okay then," Chloe mutters. I'm not sure if it's because of what Collin said or because I'm rolling on the ground from laughter.

Either way, today was really great. There's never a dull day here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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