Chapter VII

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"Happy Valentine's Day, Hailey!" 

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Are you gonna go anywhere?" She asks me.

"Nope. I'm going to stay home and watch some movies. Are you going out?" 

"Yeah, Collin and Chloe invited me to Coldstone. Did you want to come?" Darn it.

"I'm good. I feel like staying in. Go have fun and call me later," I tell her.

"If you say so. See ya." She hangs up and I go back to putting on Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.

I text Simon to let him know I'm ready.

Glasses <3

- Nice

                      Yup -

Wednesday, February 14, 2029

                      Hey, everything's ready for tonight. Come over whenever :) -

- Okay. I'm on my way :)

                      Oh wow. Okay then lol. Be ready to stay up hours with me -

- Yeah

- Okay, see you in a bit.

Tonight should go smoothly. We'll be watching movies all day. The doorbell starts to sound so I walk to the door, taking a deep breath. I open it and move to the side, signaling him to come in. Simon waits until I close the door before handing me chocolates and a teddy bear. 

"Happy Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure of what I should get you. I hope that's okay," he says, looking a little nervous.

"No, no. This is perfect. Thank you, but you didn't have to get me anything." I hug him.

"No problem. I wanted to get you something."

"I'm sorry. I didn't get you anything. I could bake you cookies, if you want," I laugh.

"It's okay. Hanging out with you is all I need. Cookies sound good though. Only if you wouldn't mind," he sheepishly says.

"I don't. Go ahead and get comfortable. I'll join you in a bit." I smile at him.

He nods and walks off. I gather the materials and begin to whisk, beat, and add in ingredients. I bend over to grab a tray when a pair of hands grab my hips.

"Ah!" I jump a bit and my heart begins to pound.

When I turn over, Simon is laughing his head off at my reaction. 

"That wasn't funny!" I pout, holding back a laugh.

"But it was."

I ignore his comment and walk over to the bowl of cookie dough. Scooping some on my finger, I walk back to him and swipe it onto his nose.

"What was that for?" 

"It was funny." I smirk.

He grabs some and puts it on my cheek.

"Wait. That's not fair!"

"Well, too bad," he laughs.

In a matter of seconds, half of the batter was gone. Our batter war went on for a few minutes.

"Welp, do you want cookies or not?" I tease.

He sighs in defeat, heading to the bathroom to clean his face. I head to my bedroom's bathroom and clean up too. Then, I head back to the kitchen. I don't see him so I shake my head. That was all very unexpected.

"Dork," I say under my breath.

"What was that?" 

I jump again. "Simon! Can you stop sneaking up on me?!"

"I literally just walked over here."

"If you say so." I roll my eyes and smile.

We waited eighteen minutes for the cookies to finish baking. I pulled them out and set them on top of the stove.

"Whoa. They look good," Simon said, reaching for one.

"You're gonna-"


"- Burn yourself." I face palm myself. 

"I know. I forgot."

"Let's go sit down. We can eat them later."

"Fine," he huffs.

We both go to the couch and Simon immediately gets comfortable. I stand next to the sofa for a minute, contemplating whether I should ask him a certain question.

"Can I rest my head on your chest?" I ask, looking away.

"I... sure. Why not?"


I climbed on top of him, blushing and positioning myself. When I felt cozy enough, I settled on his chest. He pressed play and we both watched the movie. Before I knew what was happening, I drifted off to sleep. What seemed like two hours passed by and I woke up.

"Simon? How long has it been?" I rub my eyes.

"About forty minutes," he casually says.

"What?! The cookies aren't warm now! Why didn't you wake me up?" I was pretty confused, he was looking forward to eating them.

"You were snuggled against me and you looked adorable," he admitted.

"Oh... Do you want to go grab some now?"

"Keira, do you think we could..."

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