Chapter I

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"Hey, I missed you."

It was simple and sweet. My stomach somersaulted and my heart raced. Being with him overpowered all my emotions and made me think irrationally. 

"Hi. I missed you too," I typed, watching as he waited for a response.

Sure, it had been years since I last saw him, but at least I knew I'd see him some day in the future. My love life with him was pretty... odd. We haven't seen each other in forever and our conversations feel boring. Yet, both of us try and make it work. Maybe it's the fear that we won't find anyone else that keeps us from leaving.

"So how's your summer?"

Keep it cool, say something interesting. "Boring. Besides work, I've been at home. Wby?" Dang it.

"Same here. I wish we could see each other."

"Me too. I just love you so much. I know we'll have an amazing future together. We just have to wait..." 

Read. Typing... No bubbles. He isn't responding. Oh man, I blew it. Crap. Was I too straight forward? Oh frick.

"If things work out lol. If not, oh well lol," I add.

"Yeah lol."

Dang it, Liam. Why couldn't you have said something romantic? Ugh. Guys suck.

"Hey, I gtg. Talk tomorrow?" He sends.

"Sure, love you."

"Love you too."

Love. I admit that I throw that word around too much, but I really feel something for him. I've known him for two years, and he already seems like my somebody. Every time he's around me, I lose sense of the world. It's like time freezes.

"Hey, you okay?" Hailey asks after tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, just thinking," I smile.

"So... have you and Simon talked?"

I'm confused, "About?"

"Uh, you and him? Your feelings? How he is? What he thinks of-"

"No no. I'm just doing my own thing. Guess he is too. Why does that matter?" My head turns a bit to the right to sneak a glance at him. 

"I don't know, maybe because you don't just "like" someone for over ten years and continue being with some other guy. He obviously loves you and has for who knows how long. Feelings like that don't just go away. LOVE, like that doesn't just go away," Hailey raises an eyebrow awaiting my response.

"What? I can't continue being with Liam and harbor feelings for Simon. I have to be mindful of my boyfriend's feelings too. He wouldn't appreciate me "loving" Simon. It's not right. And Simon probably already likes someone else." I bit my lip knowing I was lying straight through my teeth.

"Keep telling yourself that. You guys belong together. When are you gonna see that? You can be yourself around him and he can be himself around you! What you guys have is something others would kill for," she looked at me, frowning slightly.

"There is nothing there! Not anymore. Let me live my life. If I wanted to be with Simon, I would. So please don't bring it up again."

Hailey shakes her head before going back on her phone. I walk away from her office and head to the copying machine. Oh you love him, I know it. You belong together! Blah blah blah.

"Hey, Kiera?"

I turn around, clutching the papers in my hands tighter. "Yes?"

"Um, sorry to ask this so suddenly, but, do you think I'll ever find someone who'll care about me? Everyone else seems to be finding the one for them, " Kassandra asks.

"Of course, Kass. Maybe he just hasn't met you yet," I purse my lips before adding," You know, Simon's pretty good looking. He's single and you guys have known each other for years. Wanna try asking him out?"

She looks over at him, examining his actions. "Actually, yeah. He seems like my type. Thanks, Kiera!"

"No problem." She walks away from me, pep in her steps.

Kassandra flashes me a smile before talking to Simon. She giggles and nervously twiddles with her fingers as she asks him something. My stomach starts churning as I see him nod. It gets worse when she kisses him on the cheek and walks off. Guess he said yes. At least now he can be with someone who will make him happy.

I start scanning while Simon walks in. My shoulders tense and my eyes could't seem to stay focused on one specific thing.


Great, he spoke. "Hello."

"So, how come you're sitting on the copying machine?" He smiles.

"Just waiting in style. Anyway, I heard about you and Kass. Congrats," I happily say.

"That fast? Thanks. And yeah, that's very stylish," he jokes.

"C'mere you dork," I say, holding my arms out.

He takes his hands out of his pockets and wraps them around my waist. My eyes widen as I hug him back. The button up shirt he's wearing smells of his cologne. It's faint, but sweet. And the ends of his hair are soft.  Simon has changed a lot since we were teenagers. He's taller, more built, smarter, and his boyish looks have sharpened into a more manly appearance. I hug him tighter, feeling my heart swell.

"I missed this," He whispers, hugging me just as tight.

"I missed this too."

It's silent. The copies have been done for quite some time, but I don't care. All I know is that I needed this.

"Uh, Keira?" Oh, shoot.

I look over to see Hailey standing at the doorway. "What's up?"

"Don't try and play it cool. I walked in to see you and my brother tangled up. Not to mention, you're sitting on a copy machine with him between your legs," she smirks.

"Oh my gosh! Don't word it like that! We were just hugging," my face begins to turn red.

"Nope, it's exactly what you think Hailey. Which means, you're kinda interrupting," Simon casually tells her.

"Knew it. I'm gonna go now. Have fun, not too much though," she says, closing the door before I can even answer.

"Why would you say that? We weren't even doing anything you goof."

"I don't know. It was funny to me," he laughs.

"Okay then," I stand up," I should go give these copies to Hailey. It was nice talking to you again."


I walk a few steps and turn around. "We should all hang out tonight. It's been a while since we got together. My house. Seven o' clock. Sleepover? "

"Sounds good. See you then."


Now I just need to tell Chloe, Hailey, and Collin. Work ends in an hour. I can head home, prepare the guest rooms, and set up some snacks.

"Hey guys. I was wondering if u wanted to head over to my house tonight to hang out and sleep over? I'll order pizza and we could watch some movies or something," I text in the group chat.

"Omg yess. See u there :)," Hailey says.

"I'm down. I'll bring some board games," Collin says.

"Sure. Wait, there'll be lots of food, right?" Chloe asks.

"Yeah lol. So I'll take that as a yes."

"See you soon, Keira :)," Simon tells me.

"Okay, Glasses. Can't wait XD."

Tonight should be super fun...

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