Chapter III

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"Chloe, he barely has any time for me. The last time he held a conversation with me was the morning after the sleepover. Did I do something wrong?" My lip begins to quiver as my eyes water.

"No, you didn't do anything. Guys are just dumb. You can't expect them to be perfect. To be honest, your relationship is most likely at its end. You guys live states away and are meeting different people. Some people need a tangible relationship. Without being able to feel, some men lose their minds. They need affection. For you two, that's not possible at the moment. So before it hurts you more than it already has, break it off. Know it's not because you weren't enough, it's because he couldn't handle all the love you had to give," Chloe told me.

"Thank you. You're right. If he can't even tell me I'm not working for him anymore, he isn't the one. I just hope that I do find my true love. 'Cause I know for a fact, he is taking way too gosh damn long to be with me." I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I pick up my phone and go to his contact, "My One and Only." Now, all I have to do is type out a heartbreaking message. It must've taken me at least five minutes to even type out the first sentence. My hands were shaking and tears kept falling on the screen. The more I tried to act like this didn't hurt me, the more it chipped away at my heart.

My One and Only

- I gtg. Ttyl, Ily

                    (Read)  Okay. I love you too -

Tuesday, October 17, 2029

                      Hey, Liam. I know we haven't talked in forever. The distance and time difference is tearing us apart, maybe even people... All I know is, I care about myself enough to know when something isn't good for me. You've been there for me at times I needed someone the most. You've loved me when I was at my worst. But, what we have right now isn't healthy for either of us. I love you and a part of me always will. I hope you find someone you can love even more. Someone you can hold and kiss. Thank you for teaching me about how extraordinary love can be.  This is goodbye. May the rest of your life be filled with happiness -

I reread my paragraph at least a hundred times. At one point, I wish I could delete the message. What if no one else can ever love me more than him? What if I'm not good enough for anyone? This sinking feeling comfortably settles itself in my stomach. 

"I-I wanna take it back, Chloe. I'm a fool. He cared about me and I left him in the dust! I lost the one person I loved the most. What we had could've been fixed. We could've worked it out!" I'm hysterical. My tears won't stop and my pain keeps growing.

"Keira, if he truly loved you, he wouldn't have to fix anything and you wouldn't be in this much pain. You would be the only person he'd want to spend his time talking to. And even if he started to lose feelings for you, since he loved you before, he would have at least respected you enough to let you know it wasn't going to work," she said, wincing at her own words.

"Yeah, I guess," another tear rolls down my cheek, "I'm going to go back to my desk. Thanks for helping me through this. It would've helped if Hailey was here, but she's sick."

Work went on as usual. No one bothered to converse and frustrated sighs could be heard all over. When I finally got to go home, an idea hit me. I paused, thinking if I should do it. Oh why the hell not. I turned the keys as the car roared awake again and the radio began to blare. 

Please be home. Please be home. That same thought repeated itself inside my head as I reach the building. I run to the door and knock as loud as I can. A distinct shuffling can be heard through the door. Then, a retreating lock.

"Simo- Kassandra? Um, is Simon home?" I ask, easily irritated by her.

"Yeah, he's in the shower. Want me to go get him?" 

"... No. It's fine. I'll be on my way." My jaw tenses as I force a smile.

"Okay. It was nice seeing you!" She chirps.

At the moment, I didn't have enough strength to act joyful. As rude as it may have looked, I turned my back to her and walked back to the car.

"Damn it!" My hand hit the steering wheel.

A low ringing sounds throughout my car. It's Hailey.


"Hey, Chloe told me about what happened. Want to stop by? We can talk about it and eat some junk food," she says.

"Yes. You have perfect timing by the way. I'll explain when I get there."

"Okay. See ya soon." With that, she hangs up.

The rest of my night was spent crying and eating. Pretty depressing, but at least now I'm over the whole breakup. Hailey told me that there has to be someone out there who'd love me with all their heart. Someone who'd be there for me and stand by me when things get hard. That gave me hope. It made the days to come more bearable. Thank you, Hailey. You've always been supportive and my shoulder to cry on...

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