Chapter 1

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"Get your bags ready. We are heading to Fairfax, VA. Three bodies have been discovered displayed at public places. This is Tessa Kay, Janice Trencamp, and Nova Fain. All of them had been missing for a month before they were discovered. ME reports say that they have been sexually assaulted, tortured, and shot once in the head." Garcia said, presenting her team with the new case. 

"Were there any witnesses?" JJ asked. 

"If there were, no one has stepped forward." Garcia answered. 

"Let's get on the road." Hotch said. They all dispersed from the round table and grabbed their go bags. They got into the government issued black SUV's and drove to Fairfax. As they were on the road, they communicated through their earpieces about the case. 

Two days later, the team finally catches the unsub. They were about to head back to Quantico, but the detective had invited them to the rodeo. "I don't see why we can't go." Hotch said. "Are you guys up for the rodeo?" he asked his team. All of them nodded in agreement, so they quickly changed into more fitting clothes for the occasion. Hotch, Reid, Morgan, and Rossi all dressed in flannel shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes. JJ wore a grey tank top with jean shorts and a flannel tied around her waist as she wore sandals with it. Blake wore a black shirt with jeans and tennis shoes, and Garcia just wore her colorful dress with heels. 

"Are you guys ready?" the detective asked, eyeing JJ. They all nodded, and so they headed to the arena and waited to get in. " you have a boyfriend?" detective Wagner asked JJ. 

"Uh....technically yes, but it's complicated." JJ answered awkwardly. 

"Oh. How so?" Wagner asked. 

"It's a long distance relationship, and those can be tricky." JJ answered, not wanting him to ask anymore questions. He was making her feel uncomfortable. 

"Oh. Well he's a lucky guy." he said and started talking to Garcia. JJ was very thankful for him to stop talking to her. But, she was also excited because the opened the doors to the arena. After inching their way towards the doors, they finally made it through, and they were able to purchase their tickets. Once they had them purchased, they waited in another line to have their tickets scanned. After the all of their tickets have been scanned, they went and found their seats. After discovering where they were sitting, JJ, Garcia, and Morgan left to get beers. 

"That Wagner guy is....weird." Garcia said. 

"You're telling me. He was making me feel uncomfortable." JJ said. 

"I could tell. So what's going on between you and Will?" Garcia asked. 

"It's nothing, really. He just keeps asking me to move down to New Orleans with him, and I keep saying 'no'. He can't accept the fact that my life is in Quantico." JJ answered. 

"Why doesn't he move in with you?" Morgan asked as they moved up in line. 

"He doesn't want to give up HIS job. But yet, he just expects me to give up mine." JJ said frustratedly. 

"Baby, I think you just need to call it off. It won't go anywhere if you keep arguing who is moving in with who. It will only lead to more arguments." Morgan said. 

"Yeah, but I love him." JJ said. 

"Just do what you think is best. I know you aren't really too keen on long distance relationships. From what you keep telling me about your relationship with Will, it sounds to me that Will just doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. He keeps saying he's going to visit you but doesn't, he doesn't really talk to you unless it's to bother you about moving in with him, or you text him first, and he left you after you two had sex. When a guy does these things, it means he's not interested in you and probably only wants sex. I can tell that all of it is tearing you apart. You deserve way better than him. Just break up with him." Derek said. 

"I can't-" 

"Honey, if you don't, then I will do it for you." Garcia said. JJ sighed and got out her phone. She texted Will, telling him that she thinks that they should break up. He responded with an 'okay'. 

"Now was that so hard?" Derek asked. 

"Actually no." JJ answered. They waited another two minutes before getting to the front of the line. "I will have a 16 oz Blue Point Toasted Lager." JJ said. 

"I will get a 16 oz Yuengling Lager." Garcia said. 

"And I will get a 16 oz Guinness Black Lager." Derek said. The cashier nodded and rang it up into the POS system. She told them the total, and Derek paid for it. After he paid and they received their drinks, they went back to their seats and waited patiently for the bullriding to begin. 

After the National Anthem was sung, it all began. At first JJ wasn't really interested in it, but as it went on, she began to get into it. The rest of the team were all interested from the start. "Next up is one of the only female bull riders in the country. Let's hear it for Emily Prentiss!" the announcer said. The crowd roared with cheers as the gate opened, and Emily and her bull came out. Emily managed to stay on for 7.3 seconds before being bucked off. The team thought that that was impressive considering she was a woman. "See? A perfect example of girls can do what guys do." JJ said. 

"She's also been training and stuff." Derek said. 

"I'd like to see you do that, baby boy." Garcia said. 

"Nah. I don't want to show her up." Derek said. They all laughed. As Emily was walking over to the exit, her and JJ made eye contact. Emily smiled a little bit and winked at her before running out. 

"Holy shit. Did you fucking see that?!" Garcia said. 

"What?" JJ asked. 

"She just winked at you!" Garcia said excitedly. 

"She totally did! You need to march right down there young lady and get her number." Derek said. 

"Oh my goodness you guys. She didn't wink at me, and I'm not gay. I just got out of a relationship like an hour ago, and quite frankly, I don't think I'm ready for another one." JJ said, though she could feel herself to start blushing. 

"You're blushing!" Blake said. 

"No I'm not!" JJ said, feeling her face heat up even more. 

"You totally are!" Garcia said. 

"Okay. I'm going to get me something to eat." JJ said and quickly got up. She went to the concession stand and got her pulled pork nachos with salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, and strawberry habanero barbeque sauce. As she was waiting for her food, she thought about Emily and how they made eye contact. But she could have been winking at anyone, right? 


Hey guys! So here is my new story! I'm so excited for this one! I hope you like it!

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