Utterly Gone

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(Your POV)

You threw Vincent harshly against the suit, making him groan out more.

"Get in the suit." You said, gripping the knife tightly and turning your knuckles turn white. The rage flowing through your limbs was unexplainable, only dismissed through the forgotten memories. You shook off the thought. Wishing would get you nowhere, especially in your current position.

Your thoughts were shattered by a large bang. Your eyes widened in pain as you looked down at the bullet hole that now went through your upper abdomen, just above your heart. You coughed and looked at Vincent.

He had a smug look on his face as his hand dropped, hitting the floor with a loud clatter as the gun fell from his grasp. 

"You don't...tell me what to do..." He growled, smirking at you.

Blood came from your mouth in large gushes as you coughed once more and a dizzy feeling started to take over you.

Your vision blurred as random images started to flow through your head. Each picture as though you were in it, you were the actor, the main person. A whole life started to flash through your head, passing through in one instant, that to you, felt like years. Every memory hit you like a truck, making your breath hitch and heart pump more ferociously. Or was it the gun wound? You couldn't think straight. The whole amount of time that your life had been going by, you had felt your body moving.

The fuzzy feeling faded and your vision cleared. You were kneeling beside Vincent, the knife completely embedded into his stomach. His expression was filled with pain as blood flowed free, coating him and you.

You stumbled back, coughing again. More blood oozed from your own chest as pain pulsed through you. Falling to your knees, you stared at the dumbfounded man. He was holding his stomach, grimacing in pain.

"I'll do what I want." You said, grinning at him.

His eyes widened. Before he could speak, someone ran in, screaming your name.

"(Y/N)?" Freddy. He skidded in front of you and knelt down, giving you a soft look. "Are you alright?"

You nodded, trying to hide the bullet wound. "I've...got it...Freddy...my memory...is back."

His eyes widened as he smiled. "That's great! Bonnie! Bonnie, come in here! (Y/N)'s got her memory back!"

You smiled weakly before frowning as Bonnie stumbled in slowly, trying to feel his way around. His face was covered in bandages, making it so he couldn't see.

"(Y/N)?" His voice was muffled.

Freddy grabbed his hand and sat him down next to you. You smiled and hugged him with your right arm as tight as you could. Bonnie lifted a hand and put in on your face gently.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"

You nodded slowly, wincing as you spoke. "Yeah...Bon...I'm great..."

Freddy turned around to look at Vincent, who was shaking and gasping in pain. He got up and grabbed the man and lifted the suit head. Vincent looked up at him in fear and started to weakly punch him, but Freddy ignored it, shoving Vincent's body in the suit. Vincent screamed, making you wince and hold Bonnie tighter.

You turned to the purple-haired man, smiling again and kissing where his forehead should be. "Bonnie...I love you...I...love you...m...ore th...an...the world...itself..."

"(Y/N), your talking like one of us is going to die..." He said suspiciously, grabbing your hand tightly.

"I...know." You gasped, slouching down. Bonnie grabbed you, pulling you into him. "I'm...sorr...y...I...w...ish...we c...ould...fix...it...all..."

Bonnie sobbed. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? You're scaring me..."

You smiled and leaned into his chest, welcoming his warmth. "He...sh...shot me...I...was'nt...pay...ing attention...I'm...sorry. I...love you...Bonnie."

"(Y/N)?" Bonnie asked, grabbing your shoulder lightly. Freddy watched sadly from a few feet away. Vincent's corpse sat in the SpringBonnie suit, and all the other animatronics stood in the doorway, tears in their eyes.

"(Y/N)?" Bonnie asked, shaking you.

You didn't answer. Your body was cold, empty of life. Your (E/C) eyes were now dull and empty. Bonnie started crying and the tears stung his face, making him cry more. 

"(Y/N)? Talk to me...(Y/N)! (Y/N) talk! Wake up, move, breath, something!" He shook your body, still unable to see as he sobbed. "(Y/N) don't leave me...please! (Y/N) I love you too much for you to go!"

Bonnie collapsed, burying his covered face in your neck. "(Y/N)..."

~Phat timeskip of two years...brought to you by a tic tac~

(No one's POV)

The building sat, outdoors quiet and empty of life. The only sound to be heard was crickets chirping and the occasional car driving by. The sky was dark, no stars were seen due to the passing clouds overhead. Inside, though, was a whole new story.

Four men and a woman sat silently, staring at the creature in front of them.

One had a face of hatred, another fear, one anger, the other rage. And the last held only a blank expression, his eyes dull. of course, no one could see his face to tell what he was feeling, due to the mask he wore. It was that of a purple rabbit. The four other people around the male were in stiff stances as the creature in front of them laughed maniacally, his voice consisting of many volumes and depths. His body cracked and twitched, making creaks in groans whenever it moved.

"Well, we meet again." He said, looking at the five people in front of him. "This time, your precious hero is now gone, with no one to save you."

They all stayed silent, unspeaking and unmoving. Except for the masked man with purple hair. He stepped forward with a glare.

"No, but we have something just as good."

"And what is that, boy?" The creature asked, laughing once more.

"Me." He said, taking off his mask to expose the horror of his face.

The creature took a step back in fear, as well as the man's companions.

"You have created a something far worse than any weapon or word, Vincent." The purple-haired man said, grinning madly as he stared the creature down. All the other people present shivered at the coldness to his words. The amount of pain and fury that they consisted of. It was terrifying. The creature shivered in fear, wondering what to do. What could he do, trapped in this house of horror with a man who wanted him dead? Who was out for his blood. He had made a mistake.

He had killed the girl.

O. M. G.. That is it guys....the end of the book. Wow, it came a good distance. I'm kinda sad now because I put a lot of work and thought into it, but I'm going to end it here. If y' all want a second book, then comment down if I should make one. Also, I made a creepypasta book as well, if y' all wanna go check it out! Goodbye, wolfies. Stay foxie!

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