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(Your POV)

You sat on your bed, thinking when someone starts knocking on the door. You looked up and just stared at it for a moment before answering.


"Are you decent?" It was Mangle.

"Um, yeah?"

"Good." She walked in and folded her arms, looking at someone expectantly. After a few moments, they entered. 

You stared at the 'creature' in front of you. You'd recognize it anywhere because it had haunted you in your dreams. It urged you towards anger, pushed your thoughts to kill. Marionette. The creature that you were told, did not exist. 

"Hello, (Y/N)." He said, looking down at your cowering form. 

You looked up at him in confusion and fear. "B-but, Goldie said..."

"Don't believe the yellow bear, (Y/N)." He said, coming closer. "Now, we need to have"

You stared up at the strange being as he came closer until he sat down next to you.

~Timeskip brought to you by my purple eraser~

You stared down at your hands as the Marionette stopped talking. He waited for you to respond.

"So...what you're telling me is that Goldie has been lying to me? And, you want me to kill this man?" You asked, looking up to Bonnie for confirmation.

He nodded slowly, his purple hair moving into his face. He brushed it out of the way as Mangle started to speak.

"You were ready, in the first building. You have been going through a case of depression, where you would lock yourself in a room until you decided to make use of the time and train. Honestly, you never would have stopped had Bonnie not convinced you to." Mangle said, smirking at him. "He's mostly your distraction. Either way, you've been ready, until the crash, where your memory was wiped clean."

"And Goldie thought he could use your slate for himself, to write a new story." Bonnie finished, growling at the end.

You nodded slowly.

Marionette stood. "Child, do you understand now?"

You nodded again. "Yeah, I guess. So...what do I do now?"

"You wait." Mangle said, folding her arms. "Chop off the beast's head when it pokes out."

(Vincent's POV)

Damn, figured she would've died by now. Oh, well. Guess I'll do it the messy way. I laughed silently as I watched the young (H/C) haired girl sleep. Not a care in the world, unbeknownst to the danger standing just out of her window. I chuckled again, almost giggling like a schoolgirl as she tossed and turned in her sleep. I could see the expression of fear on her face. It looked beautiful. Although I had no interest in woman, seeing the fear in her face was enough to turn me on.

I smiled and climbed down the building slowly, then retreated through the shadows back to the pizzeria. I'd been hiding there for a while now, ever since I paid the guy to 'kill' (Y/N). Although, he did fail, and I killed him instead, leaving his body in his trucker seat. No one had realized he was dead, or at least, as far as I myself knew.

Either way, I guess I just have to keep matters in my own hands. I laughed thinking about what I was going to do. Seeing the fear on the girl's face made me happy, made me smile. I wanted to see more. And I knew just how to do it. I only had to wait.

Patience is key.

(Freddy's POV)

I was stretched out on the couch, one arm on the back with my feet kicked up on Mike's lap. He was staring at the TV with a blank expression, probably dozing off again. I looked down the hall towards (Y/N)'s room. Everyone else was out currently, meaning that I and Mike were watching over her. I could hear her shuffling around and whimpering. It was tempting to go and comfort her, but she didn't trust me. Not like she used to. After another few whimpers, I pulled my feet back and sat up, staring at her door.

Don't do it...don't get up, stay sitting. I thought. She sobbed. I flinched and stood, quickly running to the door and opening it as quietly as possible.

"(Y/N)?" I asked, walking in. She was tangled in the bedsheets, face full of fear. I walked over quickly and pulled the blankets away, then sat down and pulled her onto my lap, trying to calm her down I stroked my hand through her long (H/C) hair. I remembered its old length, but ever since her coma, it had grown out quickly.

She cried out again, and I pulled her to my chest and ran my thumb over her cheek.

"(Y/N), it's a nightmare, that's all it is, okay? Just wake up and everything will be fine, okay? It's ju-"

"Freddy?" She asked, her voice hoarse. Her (E/C) eyes looked up at me dimly as she seemed to not remember where she was. 

"Hey, I'm right here. You were having a nightmare." I said, smiling at her.

She smiled lightly back. "Thanks, Freddy. I don't really remember it though..."

I shrugged and she sat up, climbing out of my lap and sitting next to me. "It's fine. As long as you're all right."

She nodded again and looked over at me. "Freddy...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I don't remember you. I'm sorry I treated you unfairly."

"Hey, it's not your fault. Shoot, you could've been far worse. Some people go crazy, but you've recovered so well. To hell with the memories if you're fine. As long as your here." I said, grinning at her. She nodded, then to my surprise, hugged me. 

"I want to make new memories. Do you think we can do that?" She asked, her (E/C) eyes shining.

I smiled. "Definitely. Wanna watch some TV with me and Mike? Everyone else is out right now."

(Y/N) nodded and stood, following me out to the living room. Mike was now asleep, and I chuckled. I sat down and flipped through some channels, trying to find something to watch. I was about to change it again because it was an ad, but (Y/N) stopped me, pointing to the TV.

"Wait! Don't change it." She said, staring intently at the screen.

I looked at it with her. It was a commercial for the pizzeria. "What's so special?"

She looked confused for a few moments but then spoke. "We need to go there."

"Right now? It's like, eleven at night!" I said, giving her a look.

She turned to me with pleading eyes. "Please. I have this weird feeling that I need to be there right now."

I sighed and turned off the TV. "Fine, c' mon. I'll grab the keys. Meet you at the car."

She smiled and ran out to the parking lot. After finally finding my coat and keys, and leaving a note saying we'd be back in an hour, I followed after her. She hopped in as soon as it was unlocked and waited in silence as I drove. My stomach started to churn as we got closer. I've got a bad feeling right now, I thought, glancing at (Y/N). She stared out the window expectantly. As soon as I parked, she unbuckled and hopped out, sprinting to the doors. I followed, more slowly.

I walked in the doors to see (Y/N) looking around slowly.

"Freddy...I think-"

I turned around as I felt a presence behind me, but I was too late as something large and metal swung down at me, knocking me out with a BANG.

The last thing I heard was (Y/N) screaming my name, then everything went black.

OH NUUUUUUU. What's going on? Why would you feel the need to go to the pizzeria? Why is Freddy being knocked out? What is Vincent's plan? Until next time, wolfies. Stay foxie!

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