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Warning, there is self-harm in this chapter, so in case it may trigger you, I will put a warning before and after it so you know where to skip to.

(Your POV)

"Dammit." You whispered, remembering your fight with Bonnie earlier. Why did he have to do that? "I thought you loved me." You whispered, then hit your little training dummy as hard as you could. You noticed your knuckles were bleeding, probably from punching Bonnie. You just sat there, not caring, letting the blood dry and harden on your fist and face. There was a small trail leading from the corner of your mouth to your chin that dripped on your (F/C) shirt, but you just shrugged. You sat there for a while until someone unlocked the door and walked in. It was Foxy.

"Lass? What happened to yer face?" He asked, kneeling down.

You stared at him blankly. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

He shook his head. "Now I be worryin', lass. Ye need to take care o' that." 

You shook your head. "Nah, everyone is afraid of me, so I might as well not scare them and just stay in here."

He frowned and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "No, lass. We not be afraid of ye, we just think ye be too lost in yer own thoughts, lassie."

You shrugged. "I don't care."

He growled, tail waving. "Lass, ye need to wake up!" You only shook your head and he snarled, then slammed his lips on yours. You sat there, waiting for him to pull back, not reacting in any way that he could see, while in your mind, you were screaming for him to stop. He pulled away. "See, lass? I be not afraid of ye."

You shrugged and turned away. He sighed. "Sorry lass. I'll leave ye be." He got up and left, leaving the door open. You got up to close it, but Chica saw you and ran over, hugging you.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Are you alright? I can't believe Bonnie did that! I'm so glad you kicked his ass."

You shrugged and she took a step back. "(Y/N), can you at least try? Just try to be your normal self again?" 

"I don't think I can, Chica. I only feel empty now. And angry, but I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at Vincent, for pulling me into this. This stuff wouldn't be happening if he hadn't of done what he did." SHe nodded as You continued. "I'm just a shadow now, Chica. And that's what I see now. Only shadows (SNEAKY BOIO MUST ME CALL MESELF)."

SHe frowned and Hugged you again. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I really am."

You shrugged. "It's not like it's your fault, Chica."

She started to cry. "But I hate it! I hate how even right now you still have a straight face, not changing emotions. I hate how your voice is so dull, how you just walk around silently, and not even talk. I'm scared, (Y/N). I don't want to lose you, but it feels like we already have."

You stepped towards her and held her cheek gingerly, wiping the tears off with your thumb. "Just, try to remember when it was all fine. Don't worry, it will be again, once I'm done and gone."
(WARNING, SELF HARM COMING) You turned and walked away, going into the bathroom. You looked in the mirror. You looked worse than before. You looked around and grabbed a glass cup that had been left in the bathroom, and slammed it onto the sink, shattering it. You picked up one of the long shards, holding it tightly, remembering what Bonnie had told you. To go kill yourself. That you were a burden. You took off your shirt and laid it in the sink, and dragged the glass across your stomach, watching the blood come up slowly then trail lazily down your stomach.

"Worthless." You said and slid it again, deeper. "Burden." With every word, you cut. "Selfish. Stupid. Annoying. Useless. Unwanted. Unloved. Angry. Scary. Dumb. Waste."

(SELF HARM IS DONE) You heard the door close and looked over, not caring who saw. There was no one there, so you pocketed the glass shard you had used to cut yourself with, then cleaned up the rest and threw it away. You put your shirt back on, not caring about the blood that started to soak it and walked out. You went to the main room, going to the backstage. Chica was whispering angrily at Bonnie. He had his head down, his ears drooping. He nodded and said something, and Chica seemed to soften and she hugged him. He got up and started toward you.

(Bonnie's POV)

"Bonnie, do you even realize what you've done? (Y/N) is so depressed now! Wanna know what she told me? That everything would be better when she was done and gone. Do you know what that means? She wants to kill herself! I just followed her to the bathroom, you know what I saw?" Chica asked, whispering in fury. I shook my head and lowered it and she continued. "She was shirtless and cutting herself. With fucking glass, Bonnie! Across the stomach! And every time she cut, she said something. Wanna know what? it was a lot of words, here's a few, um, burden, waste, selfish!" Chica glared at me. "Because of what you did!"

"I know!" I said, looking up at her angrily. "It's my fault, I know! I never meant for any of this! But, she's safer if she's not near me. It's better like this, for her safety. I only attacked her because I figured she would've left, and then Vincent wouldn't be able to get her."

Chica smiled weakly and hugged me. "That's not the way to handle it, Bon. Go fix this, before it's too late."

I nodded and got up, then saw (Y/N) one the stage, just standing there, not doing anything. I walked up to her. Her shirt was sticking to her stomach and was slightly wet. It showed how skinny she was. It was like she was starving, but she had been eating whenever everyone else ate.

"(Y/N)," I said, getting up next to her. She just looked at me with no expression. I felt myself break as she looked at me. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this. I just wanted you to leave, so tha-"

She cut me off. "I know. I'm in your hair. Don't worry, I'll be gone soon, and you all will be safe."

 I shook my head and grabbed her arms, backing her into the wall and forcing her to look at me. "(Y/N), I wanted you to leave because Vincent is after you. I don't want to see him hurt you. Fuck, I don't want to see you hurt at all, but that's all I've been doing. Is hurting you. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Please, listen to me. Don't think I don't want you around. Don't think I don't want you in my life. I do, and I always will. I just don't want you near that killer. I want you as far away from him as you can be, and the only way I could think of you doing that is if I chased you away myself. But now I realize you won't leave, and I am so sorry."

She only blinked. "Bonnie, don't worry. You will be fine. I will be fine. Just wait a few days. That's all I can say. I won't tell you I forgive you, because I don't. But I'm not mad at you either." She started to walk away but I pulled her back and kissed her. She just stood there, then, after a moment, she kissed back. I slowly backed her into the backstage, kicking the door closed with my foot. I bit her lip, and she opened her mouth for me. I explored her mouth with my tongue, and we had a small war. I eventually won, and she moaned quietly. I pushed her back further, against the wall and sliding my knee between her legs (Hmmmm anyone thinking what I'm thinking? Maybe a lemon???? It's getting juicy). She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I pulled my head back, smiling.

"How about now?" I asked, twirling some of her (H/C) hair with my finger.

She grinned for the first time in a while. "It might take a little more than just a kiss." She teased.

I smirked and kissed her again. Maybe, just maybe, I will get my (Y/N) back.

Big oof. I bet ye weren't expecting that, eh??? It was getting a little saucy there. At least you might be better now. Maybe everything will go back to normal, right? And maybe I'll write a lemon, but only if y' all want me to, cause that gets a little off. Anyway, here's a sad bunny boio with a broken heart that he's holdin' and a Freddy boi, last drawing of this style, probably, so yea. Until next time!

Broken Appearance Bonnie X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt