Chapter Fifteen - Pillowtalk

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***Day'quan POV***

"Day'quan, stop being stupid. Get that phone out of my face." Nolan playfully says as he tries to swat the phone out of my hand.

"Aw, come on, Nolan. Say something sweet for me." I reply to him.

"Ummm, like what?"

"I dunno, say anything." I tease with him. "Say something 'bout my smile or 'bout my eyes."

"Haha, well then nigga, you's sho' is ugly!" He says before laughing and hopping off the bed to walk to the bathroom.

"Haha, well then nigga, you's sho' is ugly!" He says before laughing and hopping off the bed to walk to the bathroom

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I did it! I actually did it! I just had sex with a man and I must admit, I actually enjoyed it. I've been fighting this side of myself for years now and Nolan was the one to finally make me act on my curiosity. I don't know what he does to me but there is something about him that just makes me feel so comfortable around him. He makes me want to explore more and more of this deep, hidden secret that I have been repressing for the last four years.

It was eighth grade when I met Mitchell Taylor, but I called him MT. I was the only person to call him that. He lived two houses down from mine and when he moved to town, we became friends instantly. We had all the same things in common. The only difference we had was that he played football and I played basketball. We were both competitive and always tried to one-up the other.

The day before he was going to move away, we hung out that whole day. We went rollerskating, went to the arcade, and even seen a movie together. That night, we made a pat that we would always be best friends forever, but when we said that, I felt something different at that moment, something more than us just being best friends.

When he moved away, we never kept in touch and I don't know why. I thought it was odd at first but that was almost four years ago and immediately afterward, I met Bri and those feelings were cloaked.

Bri is a great girl and I really like her but she is beginning to become a different person now. She is starting to be all about herself. She isn't anything like when I first met her back in freshman year. She used to be a great listener. I could practically tell her anything. She was there when I really needed someone to talk to. She was fun. We did almost everything together. And, she was NATURAL! She didn't do all the makeup or fake eyelashes. She didn't get mani-padis every couple of weeks. She didn't care about all the name brand clothes. She is actually becoming vain, loud, over the top and lightweight ghetto.

Nolan, on the other hand, is more laidback, smart, easy-going, friendly but yet still mysterious to me. He kind of reminds me of MT in some ways. He makes me want to get to know more about him.

Nolan's phone begins ringing on my nightstand and a picture of Toya pops up on the screen. I reach for it and nonchalantly tell him that his girl is calling. He exits the bathroom, walks over to me and I toss it at him. He gives me a quick awkward look then answers it.

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