Part 6: Dorm Inspections

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I discretely move so I can see his reflection on the window. He was leaning his head on his right hand allowing me to fully see the tattoo on the left side of his neck. It is the same shape as the Cross Academy logo, but has swords and no rose in the middle. It is in plain, black ink. He looks my age, but you have to be at least twenty to get a tattoo in Japan, so how did he do it, and why? 

I ponder those questions until the bell rang, shaking me from my thoughts. Maybe I should just straight out ask him about it. 

Everyone gabs their lunch things, I just stand and walk towards the door, walking slow enough to catch up with Zero but still fast enough that it seems natural. 

I'm finally at his pace, I fiddle with my finger as I build up my confidence. I take a deep breath and turn to him. 

"H-hey, Zero! I, uh I have a-a question" I stutter out, not expecting him to actually acknowledge my statement. He turned his head to face me, waiting for me to go on. "Your, uh, your tattoo,   how were you able to get it and what does it represent?" He looks stunned. Maybe people weren't supposed to see it. 

He suddenly grips both my shoulders, roughly, and looks me straight in my eyes. "How did you see that?" 

Naturally I was speechless. Zero has always been cold-hearted and brash, but I never expected him to do something like this over a tattoo. 

"I, uh, I just saw a black mark on your neck as you were walking the other day. I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to see it, but I won't tell anyone," I say, holding eye contact. 

"Tch," He said as he walked away, letting go of my shoulder roughly. 

I might have giving him a reason to be cautious around me. 

"Hey!" I run up to his fleeting figure. 

"What?" He sharply replies. 

"Well, I notice you will be searching rooms during your lunch, so I thought I should get you something to eat," I kindly say. Remember, kill 'em with kindness. 

He looked shocked, like no one was ever this nice and considerate to him. Maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to break his cold exterior. I begin walking towards the cafeteria. I get a few steps ahead before I realize he wasn't following. I turn back towards him. 

"Aren't you coming?" I asked. 

He just rolled his eyes and started walking with me to the cafeteria. A comfortable silence enveloped us during our short walk. We finally get to the lunch room and get into the lunch line. (I don't know how their lunch works, so just roll with it) 

"What do you want, I'd suggest the bento with rice and brown mustard seeds, grilled and seasoned salmon, and the seasonal fruits and vegetables, it would be a smaller portion so it would make your work easier, but also gives you enough energy," I say. I do feel kinda bad, I really don't know if it tastes good, but when I could still eat food, that combo was as good as my school's food would get. 

"Tch, whatever. I just need to get back to inspections," He says nonchalantly, crossing his arms. 

I end up getting him something different. Since he is going to be on the move the entire lunch period, I got him a lot of the grilled salmon, lettuce, diced tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, and since they don't have tortillas, I smashed a few pieces of crust-less bread together as a makeshift tortilla. 

When I was younger, and human, my parents took us on a family trip to America and we had these things called wraps. It was really easy to eat and do things with, so I think that it would be nice for him to have during his inspections. 

The Untouchable Day Class Student (( Vampire Knight / Tokyo Ghoul ))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin