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October 25, 2018
Bey's POV

I rushed out of my house and hastened the whole way to campus. Luckily, my go-to parking space was still available. I pulled up, got out, and walked swiftly in my heels straightaway to my classroom. On average, I have time to stop into my office, but I was so determined to be on time that I bypassed it.

Once I made it to my class, I was out of breath. All of my students were looking at me as if I was strung out on drugs. I glimpse up at the clock on the wall to see the time.

"10:30. WHEW, I made it on time. Thank you, Jesus! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!" I yelled, bustling over to the empty desk to unload my belongings.

"Good morning, Professor Knowles!" The whole class said in unison.

"Looks like somebody had a rough night *coughs* I wonder why..." A familiar voice spoke up. The class chuckled. I looked up to see Jay and his teammates in the back of the classroom, snickering.

"Not because of your stupid ass. Mind the business that pays you!" A young lady named Mya spat back. The students all started oooh-ing at her smart comment.

"MYA, SHUT UP, WITH YOUR BALD ASS" I quickly interrupted Jay. He knows better.

"See, what we will not do in my class is be disrespectful. CUT IT OUT!" I said sternly. The two of them immediately fell back and stayed silent. Jay had a huge smirk on his face because he knew... He knew that it was because of him that I was nearly late.

Since Sunday, Jay has been over at my house every other day. Yesterday night, he stayed til' almost three in the morning. After we finished pleasuring one another, we lay in my bed, cuddling and talking about our expectations for the future. We were so absorbed in each other's thoughts that time went by rapidly.

That was the first time I thought about my future with Jay. This was a territory I did not want to tread into yet with him because I've always been momentous, but I know that this is necessary to see if our future is compatible —if we ever decide to make it official.

I worked hard to dismiss our age gap, but it was undoubtedly projected last night. Jay is in college and will most likely make it to the pros to begin his career while I am 12 years into mine. Here is Jay, who wants to get married and have children while I've been married already, and I'm wondering if I ever want to go through that again. I don't even have a desire to birth children at my age. There were so many effects that suggest that our future together was, in fact, incompatible. That scared me, but it didn't seem to scare Jay, and I presume he's an infant in authentic and mature relationships.

Due to the anxiety from our deep discussion, I tossed and turned all night long, and once I finally fell into REM sleep, my alarm clock went off. I hit snooze one too many times, causing me to get up behind schedule.

This is my first semester as a college professor. I do not want to be late and have this potentially stain my teacher evaluation at the end of the year. Getting dressed for work usually took me an hour, which turned into a quick 20 minutes. I never moved so fast in my life, but your girl successfully did this morning.

In response to Jay, I just shook my head, giving him a smirk back.

"Okay, so before we start new material, I want to tell you all some good news. So, as you know, your midterms were just posted this week. All of you got A's! This class scored the highest on the Midterms out of all the history department classes. Give yourselves a round of applause!" I tell them. The whole class erupted into claps and cheers. The joy on my student's faces was priceless.

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