What To Do, What To Do

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Ignoring the fear of redundancy – I have still been thinking about things I think about a lot.(I promise you that sentence makes sense.)

Because I spend a lot of time in my head, I need to make sure it's a safe, happy place for me to dwell, to keep the wrong of the world away, to ensure those things I think about don't, you know, raise my blood pressure.

According to a recent health checkup, I'm failing in that regard.

But it's hard in certain ways because the stressful thing needs to be thought about because it affects your life and you don't have that luxury and you need to make plans and decisions.

Or, sometimes, the thing that is being thought about is a moral issue, and I feel like those should not be shied away from. The stance you take on such things could affect someone's life. *

So what to do, what to do, about the stressful?

Think about the good things afterward I suppose. The things that make you happy - happiness is composed of the overwhelmingly good things of life.

And then hug someone close to you. Because joy is composed of true companionship and when the happiness fades, you will still have the friends and The Friend (Jesus hint, hint) that stick closer than brothers.

* I will not give examples, apply this sentence as you see fit.

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