Museum Studies and Medieval Architecture

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Bugs Bunny: Uh, Porky, have you given any more thought as to what kind of career you might want to pursue? You know, so you can -

Porky Pig: Oh, I don't know. I'm really not sure what I'd be good at.

Bugs: Well, you went to college. What's your degree in?

Porky: Medieval poetry.

Bugs: Of course it is. What about your minor?

Porky:  Architecture.

Bugs: Well, there you go. That's something.

* after a beat*

Bugs: Medieval architecture. So like castles and moats? That sort of thing?

Porky: Mm-hmm.

Bugs: So, not really much demand for that these days.

Porky: Uh-huh.

- The Looney Tunes Show, S02E22, "Gossamer is Awesomer"

Sometimes some majors seem "useless".

Like Museum Studies. When I heard there was a major such as that, I felt like 'you're going to get into debt for that?? What are you going to earn? Where are you going to work?? What??? Why?? Whomst??"

The day after that, I was adding 'Go to Waco museum' to my to-do list.

I noticed all my concerns for Museum Studies majors centered around earnings. How are you going to survive I thought? How are you going to survive on 'doing what you love', that great bastion of privilege? I guess my question should be why are they less paid. Why the starving artist?

We need art. We need the classics and the humanities and the thoughts and the loves and the history and the preservation for the future. As a STEM student, sometimes I feel like everything needs to be ~useful~. But what counts as useful? What parts of human nature, curiosity, and intellect, empathy do we sacrifice on the pyre of useful?

No matter how mechanized our world becomes, even more so, we need curiosity, and creativity and empathy. We need to explore the great reaches of the abstract and where it meets with the concrete.

We need the arts and we need to pay the artists.

At some point, perhaps, I will expand on the idea I'm trying to express here. For now, I'm just going to hope my Looney Tunes reference doesn't seem to weird 🤷🏾‍♀️😌

- KC

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