24 Hours

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One of the things that has shocked me, being back home is how long 24 hours really is. I did have Christmas break but that seemed more like a reprieve from classes with the knowledge that within a month, it'll all be back. I didn't feel the passage of unscheduled, unmooring time the way I do now.

It's not like I am waking up in the afternoon, eating cereal, binge-watching My Little Pony and then sleeping at 1 am (repeat ad nauseam). I have made plans, tried to fit this uncalled for break into my life plans, heck, improve my life plans.

But there are days when I simply cannot work. To-do lists and timeboxing and chasing down motivation with an axe - do not work. What is the problem?

 Burnout? Depression? Loneliness? Simple, plain, old lack of discipline?

I do not know.

It's the free time. I have no idea what to do with free time that is either not work or mindless entertainment. But do I have to do something worthwhile? Can't it just be ... free? But does the mindless entertainment make me happy?

- KC

The Ability To Even (Collegiate Chronicles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz