Chapter Fourteen: The Accident

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Hello, Readers! ^_^

For those who have read chapter fourteen when I published it, I soon had taken it down, and unpublished the chapter. Honestly, I wasn't too happy with the chapter and decided to re-write it. Plus, it isn't as long as the original. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

Until then!



"Get out of the way! Move!" Theo shouted angrily to the bustling students who stood in his way.

His thick black boots, pounded against the wood flooring, rattling beneath him as he walked by. Students quickly parted away from him, clearing a path as they sensed his ominous appearance. It was a smart move because at the moment, he had no damn problem plowing them out of his way if they didn't move. Those who seemed to have forgotten their footing, stood staring with wide, panic stricken eyes as they watched him go by. He knew many still questioned him, and as he picked up on their thoughts while he stormed by, many wondered if he had hurt the mutant whom he was carrying in his arms. Usually, he would fancy those thoughts and allow them to keep guessing, but now was not the time. Looking down, Theo silently cussed to himself as he shook his head. Everything had gone wrong very quickly, and now his freedom was on the line. Wasn't he just a selfish asshole? And damn it, where the hell was the Professor?



"I'm sorry," Layla interrupted while she raked a hand through her dark hair. "Where did you say you were going?" She asked Jean for clarification.

With no training, and nothing for her to do, it had been another boring day at the manor. Plus, Layla received little to no sleep due to the constant nightmares that kept plaguing her mind. Eventually, she gave in and took her old medication with shaky, perspired hands, popping three tablets in her mouth. For the rest of the night, she had laid in bed debating on whether or not she should see Peter, but had shot the idea down due to recent events that were happening between them. With nothing else to do, she watched the sunrise, got ready, and entertained the idea of staying in her room to read. There wasn't much to do at the manor other than go outside and eat. If she were a student it would have been an entirely different situation. However, it was her last day of "break time", and she couldn't wait for training tomorrow. She was itching to get back into the swing of things, although there still had been one lingering problem. She could still feel her powers wanting to break free, and when it came down to it, Charles's so called "break time" had not helped her. But they didn't need to know that.

Jean smirked. "The lake. Kurt," Jean began, but Layla had interjected.

"The lake?" She asked, wondering if she had heard that right.

Jean nodded. "Yeah. Like I was saying, Kurt found a spot while he was teleporting, and training got out early today. I thought you might want to come."

"I...I don't know." Layla said uncertainly as she recalled past events.

"Come on, Layla! Don't you want to get out for a bit? I mean what are you going to do in here all day?" Jean asked as she crossed her arms, looking directly into her room.

"Well, for your information I was enjoying a good book, until you interrupted me." Layla said matter of factly as she arched a neat brow.

Jean unfolded her arms, sighing. "Come on, Layla. It'll be fun, and you can bring your book, or you can swim with us and forget the book."

Layla ran her hands down her face feeling both frustrated and uncertain. Ever since the accident, she hadn't gone near or gotten back in the water. Images of that day, hauntingly flashed in her mind, and her throat began to feel like it was closing, and her breathing became tight. Turning around, Layla squeezed her eyes shut, trying to rid her mind of those images. Concerned, Jean stepped inside Layla's room, asking to see if she was alright. Layla nodded, and quickly tried to calm herself down, reminding herself she was inside her room and not drowning in the river. After composing herself, Layla decided to join Jean. It would be good for her to get out plus she really didn't want to be holed up in her room all day.

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