Chapter Eight: Normal

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"What am I going to tell Peter?" Layla thought worriedly over and over to herself. 

She sat underneath a large oak tree facing the school, but far enough away that she was hidden and away from people. Crossing her ankles over one other, she flicked her worried gaze down to her hands that were folded neatly across her lap. Last night, Layla had not been able to bring herself to go back to Peter. She wasn't sure how long she sat outside by herself staring at the darkness that encompassed the yard. It must have been some time because the second she arrived at Peter's door, he had swung it open, looking ready to venture outside in search of her. Questions were asked and the look of worry he held in his eyes made her feel guilty, but somehow she came up with some lame ass lie. Which surprised even herself because she had barely been able to think. Honestly, she wasn't even sure if Peter bought her excuse. The look on his face answered her question for her, but instead of continuing on with the matter he let it go. For that, Layla was relieved, but it took all the strength she had not to ball in front of him as she told him the truth. 

She wanted to tell Peter. 

She really did, and it pained her not to tell him what she had just learned. 

But with the test coming up soon, she knew better than to say anything. Just like with her nightmares that were coming back, which luckily she hadn't had any. 

"For now." A sullen voice reminded her. 

Pushing all her thoughts aside, she returned to her thoughts that plagued her mind. As she flicked her eyes up to the sky above her, she told herself she would not tell Peter until the test was over. She knew how much this had meant to him, and she was not going to ruining it for him by dumping all her problems on him. It would only be a distraction for both him and her, and right now she just wanted to make things as normal as possible. 

Closing her eyes, Layla tilted her head feeling the warmth of the sun's rays that shone above. The day was warm and a slight breeze blew through the air telling all that spring would soon be coming. The birds flew past singing a joyful song as they went, while large cotton ball clouds rolled lazily across the turquoise sky. All was quiet and the warmth of the sun's rays against her body had eased her tensed muscles, making her feel more relaxed. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep underneath the oak tree. The last thing she heard was a bluebird singing next to her as he pecked the ground for food. 


Something was wrong. 


What that was, she had no clue because as she stood surveying the backyard of the mansion, she found nothing. Given the light of the day she could not even decipher whether it was dawn or dusk. Dark clouds filled the sky, and a deathly chill filled the air. All was quiet except for the thunder that rolled in the distance, inching closer. Ahead, the lights to the mansion were on, but there appeared to be no visible person looming nearby.

"Peter?" Layla called out trying to sound calm, though she was shaking on the inside. 

Her frightened eyes scanned the surroundings as she tried to listen for any sign of life. No one answered her call and when she tried again she received the same answer. Above her, lightening lit the sky above her followed by a thunderous clap that pierced her ears. 

"You..." A voice drawled wickedly as it echoed around her. 

Layla spun on her feet in the direction the voice came from, but nothing was there. Her breathing quickened and her heart hammered wildly against her chest. She desperately wanted to wake up from this dream, but nothing was working. She could not wake herself up, and she couldn't understand why. 

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