Chapter Seventeen: Strange

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Charles's point of view

It had been two days since the incident in Cairo where everyone defeated the mutant, and Charles had lost Layla. It wasn't just him. Both Hank and Peter lost Layla. Hank was upset, and he had been blaming himself for not paying attention to Layla that day. Charles was doing the same. In a way he felt responsible for Layla; felt that he had failed her. She was a student and a friend who they had known for nine years. Looking back, it only felt like yesterday when Charles caught Layla breaking into his mansion. Who knew she and Peter would help break them into the Pentagon, and a year later she'd return, seeking help. In those nine years, Charles learned that when Layla had her mind set on something, it was difficult to pull her back. When Peter told him what happened, it didn't surprise him because he knew how she was. Why, did she have to go out and fight him? She could have planned better, but Charles would have done the same thing. If he didn't have his friends around him, he would have turned himself over to save Raven. It was his friends that held him back, but Layla was alone.

The ride back had been silent. Peter laid Layla on the floor of the aircraft, securing her body, and he sat with her the whole way back. He never left her side, even as they placed her body in the room that had survived the blast. He sat there the whole night with her with a broken leg, holding her hand. Hank had to practically peel Peter away, so that he could fix his leg. Even after he got it in place, and casted, Peter returned. It took Charles to get Peter to leave, so that he could get fresh air, and go shopping with some students to get clothes.

Tomorrow services would be held for Layla, and Charles sat in the lab, frowning. Hank and Raven had gone out with the students to watch them, leaving Charles and Erik at the mansion. Erik and Charles were working on a supply list, but Charles wanted to see Layla one last time. The guilt ate him, and he blamed himself. However, Layla would have ended up in Cairo either way. After Hank told him Stryker came, gathering her with the others, Charles couldn't prevent Layla from going to Cairo. She was bound to go, but he didn't know she was already wounded. Hank told him the mutant with the metal wings had struck her with his wings, splicing her side open. She was already losing a lot blood, and being put in the chamber prevented Layla from healing. Her body was already weak trying to heal, but the mutant ended her in a snap.

Charles heard the door creak open, and turned to see Erik standing in the threshold.

"I was just coming to see if everything was alright." Erik said calmly as he looked at Layla's body that was lying on a table.

"Nothing is alright, Erik. I...wish she hadn't gone out there to fight him, but she did. She saw what he did to Peter, and she fought for him. She tried to help, but he ended her. Layla, I've lost you, and so has Peter. Why, didn't you think before you reacted?" Charles asked as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I remember seeing her when she and Peter broke me out. I may not know her Charles, but she fought strongly. She died protecting those she loved. It was her choice, Charles." Erik told him as he made his way into the room.

"I know. I just...her death will always be on conscious. She was a dear friend, Erik, and she still needed help. I failed her." He told Erik shaking his head in utter disappointment.

Erik wasn't sure what else to say, and he began to back out of the room. Charles knew he needed to leave, and get back to the others. There was nothing more that he could do.

"Goodbye, friend." Charles said looking down at Layla.

He reached out to touch her hand, and stopped. His hand rested against hers, and he drew his eyebrows together, looking at her strangely. He cocked his head to the side, his eyes darting back and forth, as he felt Layla's presence. It was faint, but she was there. Seeing Charles's expression, Erik walked to Charles's side, looking down at him. Erik's eyes flicked to the girl then back to Charles who sat there looking baffled and confused.

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