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"Jordan. You're scarring me." I said. I really was scared.

After a few seconds of him not saying anything he got up and went to the back porch. I saw him through the glass doors. He sat on the wooden deck leaned against the house. He was trying to lite a cigarette but the wind was stopping him to do so, he eventually got it though. God, I hate how he smokes. Even back in Missouri I never smoked. I hated the taste of it. After a minute or two I finally walked outside. I sat next to him.

"Why are you out here? It's cold." He asked.

"Tell me what's wrong." I demanded. He sighed. And put out his cigarette.

"It'll make you too concerned." He answered.

"It's already really concerned that you won't tell me." I said. He sighed again.

"My depression has been getting a lot worse lately. And I've been having suicidal thoughts." He said. I didn't know what to say. I wrapped my arms around him as if it was some magnetic pull between us. The wind blew his hair in his face.

"Dont listen to them. You're strong. You can beat this. I know what you're going through. And I wanna help you get through it." I said. I saw the tears stream down his face.

"They just... seem so so real." He began to cry.

I stood on my knees still hugging him. His head layed on my shoudler. I stroked his hair. He cried. And cried. And cried. It started getting dark out so we walked back inside. We layed in bed and just talked. He fell asleep. But I couldn't. I hated the thought of another person going through that. Especially someone I love. I somehow managed to fall asleep.


I woke up to an empty bed. Jordan wasn't laying next to me. I got up and walked down the hall.

"Jordan?" I called out. No answer. I walked into the kitchen. I couldn't beleive my eyes. Jordan. He was laying on the floor with an empty bottle of pills in his hand and a note in the other. I gasped and dropped on my knees. I checked his pulse. No pulse. "No. No. No. No. No! This can't be happening!" I kept repeating. I couldn't stop sobbing. I ran to my room and got my phone. I called my mom. She heard my sobbing right when she picked up.

"Honey! What's wrong!?" He asked.

"Mom. I woke up. Walked to thw kitchen. And Jordan h-he over dosed on pills." I cried.

"Oh my god. I'll be right over. Call 911." She said hanging up. I called 911 right when I hung up. I read the note he left.

"Dear family,
The thoughts just got too bad. And the demons took over. I'm so so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take all the voices. I wish everyone the bestest of lives. And to know that I'll always love you. It's nobody's fault but mine. Nobody could have helped me. So don't blame yourself.
Love, Jordan"

The note read. My hands were shaking. I called his brother.

"Hey Alice. What's up?" Jason answered.

"Jordan's dead!" I blurted out sobbing.

"WHAT!? I'LL BE RIGHT OVER!" My mom, my dad and Jason got here at almost exactly the same time. They barged in. The ran to the kitchen where I was on my knees on the floor sobbing. My mom and dad hugged me. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Jason freaked out. I managed to get words out.

"I woke up and walked to the kitchen and Jordan was on the floor with an empty bottle of pills in his hand and a note in the other. And he had no pulse." Jason read the note. He covered his mouth with his hand.

"Oh my god." He kepted wispering.

911 got here. The door was already left open. They took Jordan into the ambulance. A half an hour later he was officially pronounced dead. I saw Jason standing in the corner looking down sniffling. I took a deep breath and walked in frount of him.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through right now." I said to Jason looking down. Jason gave me a tight hug and started to cry. I patted his back.

"I was a horrible brother." He cried.

"No you weren't. And horrible brother wouldn't take custody of their brother when he needed it. You were an amazing brother." I reassured. He let go of the hug and backed up a few steps. He wiped his face with his shirt.

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