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"I guess that'd be the best and most safe option. Thank you." He said standing up. I took a deep breath and stood up too. I walked downstairs. Jordan followed me down. We walked into my room and he closed the door behind him. I took off my makeup and took off my clothes and put on pajamas. I put on underwear, and an oversized shirt. I layed down on my bed. "I'll go figure out where I'll sleep. Good night." He said.

"No. Please stay. I want you tonight." I begged. After a few seconds of him thinking if this was a good idea or not.

"Okay. But would it be a good idea to sleep in my boxers?" He asked. I nodded. He stripped where he was only in his boxers. He turned off the lights and layed down next to me. We covered up and we're next to eachother.

"Can we please cuddle?" I asked. He pulled me in tight. My face pressed against his warm chest.

"Good night, love." He wispered giving me small kisses on the top of my head.

"Night, love you." I responded before falling asleep.

"Alice, wake up you're having a nightmare." Jordan said waking me up in the middle of the night. I woke up. Tears were in my eyes. I liked up at him and gasped. I wrapped my arms around him as if I haven't seen him in forever. "You were crying on your sleep so I woke you up." He said. Tears streamed down my face again.

"Thank god it was only a dream." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I had a dream where you forgot who I was and when a demon came and started to drag me away you just stood there and watched. And the demon dragged me by a rope around my neck and through me back into the body if my past self." I cried. He held me again but more tight than ever.

"That'll never happen. I'll never forget you or let that happen to you. I'll keep you safe until the end of time." He said calming mr down. "It was just a nightmare. And that's all it will ever be." He added. I drifted off back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to his arms still wrapped around me. I felt comfort in every touch. He was still asleep. I remembered last night. I felt the dried tears on my face and saw some dried tears on his chest too. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay in his arms. I didn't want to leave. He's the only person who ever excepted what I did. I looked up and saw dried tears on his cheeks too coming from his eyes. When the sunlight hit his face he woke up too. His eyes slowly opened and looked down at me. He running his hand under my shirt up and down my band which gave me goosebumps.

"Thank you for staying with me." I said quietly

"I'd do it anytime. No matter what. So you don't need to thank me." He said. "I have news though. What happened after we left." He added.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked.

"Well after you fell asleep my brother called me to see where I was. So I got up and answered and talked to him quietly. And apparently after we left everyone turned against her calling her a bitch for what she did. Even her friends and her boyfriend broke up with her in frount of everyone because of it. She then ran out crying." He answered. I was in disbelief.

"Well that's what that bitch deserves." I said. I was over joyed. Out lips connected as if it was some magnetic pull. He turned over on his back. Our toughs exploring eachothers mouths. I got on top of him. My legs on opisite sides of him. I pulled away for a second. He caught his breath.

"Damn girl. I've never seen you this horny... I like it." He laughed.

"We gotta be quiet though." I said.

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