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I giggled a little. When he closed his door and started the car.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked.

"Oh nothing. It's just that my father is gonna fucking hate this." I laughed.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because one, my father dreaded the day I bring a boy over for any reason. Two, we've only been here for 3 days. And he already hates my interests, how I dress, and how I talk, so you being like that too is gonna piss him off." I laughed.

"Well. Sucks to be him." He laughed. I told him the directions towards my house and he parked out frount. My dad's car wasn't there. I was a mix ire of happy and disappointed. We walked in.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled. He closed the door behind him. My mom came from the kitchen.

"How was your first da-" She then looked up and saw Jordan . I just imagined looking up and seeing your daughter with a really tall dude behind her. "Oh... who's this?" She asked in an awkward yet sweet voice.

"Oh yeah. We got assigned partners to work on a project." I answered.

"Hi. I'm Jordan." Jordan introduced.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." My mom said.

"We decided that we'd switch every other day. Like today we'll work on thw project here then tomarrow at his house and switch back and forth." I said. My mom nodded.

"Okay. I'll leave you guys to work." My mom said walking away. We walked downstairs to my room. I sat at my desk.

"I like your room." He complemented. My band posters were bassically my wall paper.

"Thanks." I sighed. He sat in the chair next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing..." I answered. He looked at me.

"Okay... again, what's wrong?" He asked again. Damnit.

"I haven't even known you for a day. But you're in my house. And I feel connected to you almost. I've never felt this way with anyone before. I know it sounds weird. And you probably think that I'm just some slut looking for someone. But-" I rambled. He looked at me for a second. And our lips locked together. He let go within 3 seconds.

"I don't think that if you. I feel the same way. I haven't felt this way about anyone else before either. I know this is weird. Cause it is. But it's magnificent." He said. I looked down with a small smile. I took a deep breath and turned back to the paper.

"How about we do the history of rock?" I suggested.

"That sounds good." He said. I shook my head looking down.

"I'm sorry. That was rude to change the subject. It's just a lot to take in. And I don't know..." I said.

"It's okay. And I'm sorry that I kissed you. I didn't realize how uncomfortable it'd make you feel." He apologized looked down.

"No. Don't be sorry. It was fucking amazing." I assured. "And I want more." I murmured under my breath. He looked up.

"What was that?" He said. But I could tell that he heard what I said. I bit my lip a little. I took off my jacket. I could feel him smiling. The urge to be sunk into another kiss was growing. But my dad then walked in.

"Alice. Why is there a boy in your room?" My father said sternly. I sighed and turned around.

"Dad. This is Jordan. We were assigned a project together in history. That's due by the end of the year. He'll be over every other day and the days that he's not we're gonna be working at his house during the weekdays." I answered. My father glared at the bother of us.

"You know the rule. Nobody over, and you have to be home by 8 pm on school days." My father declared.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. You're overly unnecessarily protective for no reason." I rolled my eyes. He walked out leaving my door just barely open. "I'm so sorry about that." I sighed.

"It's fine. I'd hate me at first sight if I was him." Jordan laughed.

"Well... this has been an awkward time..." I said.

"Nah. I've been in more awkward situations. Besides. This has been amazing. Honestly." He said. I felt myself blush. "Also I heard you say that you want more. And I'm willing to fulfill that request anytime." He said.

"And what do you think I meant by more?" I giggled.

"Oh, I think you know. And you'll want more of it afterwards." He laughed.

Dark Flower जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें