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I ran back downstairs and got in my backpack. I got out the paper my art teacher gave us.

"This is gonna be so awkward." I sighed. I walked upstairs. The best person to ask was my mom. I walked to my mom.

"You guys were down there all day. What were you two doing?" My mom laughed. She noticed my silence and turned around.

""In my art class we're in our modeling unit. And we had to draw a picture of someone. Um. And I need you to sign this paper. It's to make sure that you know that I drew someone naked for this project." I said handing her the paper.

"Okay." She said signing the paper. I was shocked. "So that's what you guys were doing down there? Drawing and modeling?" She laughed.

"Yeah..." I said.

"I would ask if I can see the drawing. But that'd be kinda weird." She said.

"Well. I mean, if used to be a nurse. And it's just a drawing." I answered. Besides. My teachers gonna see it. I ran downstairs, put the paper back in my backpack. And brought up my sketch book. "Here's the drawing if you wanna really see it." I said. She took thw sketch book. She gasped. I don't know if it was a good or bad gasp.

"This is amazing!" She said. Giving it back to me.

"Thank you mom." I said.

       ****the next day****

I walked into class the next day right after the bell rang.

"How was your day our of school?" The teacher laughed. Obviously trying to be mean.

"The best day of school yet." I answered. I was standing in frount of the class when Jordan came in.

"Sorry. I over slept." Jordan said.

"You must have some story to say. You always do, so I'll just get you started. Where were that made you over sleep?" The teacher sighed.

"Well. Last night I went down to the Sunset Strip to see who's down there. And well... this for you." Jordan said getting a paper from out of his backpack giving it to me.

"IT'S TOMMY FUCKING LEE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The teacher walked behind me and looked at it.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE MÖTLEY CRÜE!" The teacher yelled.

"YOU'RE A CRÜE HEAD!?" I said turned to him.

"ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!" He yelled. Everyone was confused. I stared at the class.

"Mötley Crüe is one of the many best bands of all time." I said giving the class the death stare. I wanted to kiss Jordan for giving me this. But I knew I couldn't. The rest of out class time was me, Jordan, and the teacher all discussing Glam Metal and Hair Metal bands out loud. The bell rang and it was time for my second hour. My art class. I don't know why but I felt embarrassed. Barely anyone was in class yet so I went to the people.

"Hi Ms. June. Nice to see you again." She said. She was calm, collected, nice, and fun. Your average art teacher.

"Mrs. Astley. My mother signed the paper. And I finished the project early." I said giving her the signed paper.

"Well I'm sure you did wonderful. Can I grade it?" She said. Smiling. I got my sketch book out but stopped for a second.

"Um... can you please not write on the drawing?" I asked handing her the sketch book. She nodded.

"Alice. This is spectacular!" She gasped. She wrote on a sticky note "100%! :)" I've never gotten an A before. I closed my sketch book and put it back in my backpack. I was over joyed

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