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I woke up later than usual. I didn't feel like eating. I didn't want to go to school. But I knew I had to. I didn't want to wear makeup. I didn't want to do anything. I threw on my Linkin Park hoodie, pants, and converse. I looked in the mirror. And brushed my hair a little. I put up my hood and walked upstairs.

"Hi sweetheart. Are you okay?" My mom asked. My dad was already at work.

"Yeah. Well, I gotta get to school. Bye love you mom." I said walking out. I walked as slow as possible trying to avoid going to school. By the time I got there it was already 5 minutes after the bell for first hour. First time being late at this school. I was walking down the hallway my hood still up and looking down. I took a deep breath before walking into the class room.

"Ms. June, it's very unlike you to be late for class? What's your excuse?" The teacher asked.

"I over slept." I said.

"Okay. Now please take off your hood sit down." The teacher responded. I took of my hood and walked to the only open seat. Which was in the back, where I always sat. For the first time Jordan was on time and already sitting where he always sits. By me.

"Alice. We need to talk after class." Jordan said quietly. But I pretended as if he wasn't there. After the bell ran he walked out. Waiting outside the door for me. I went to the teacher.

"Excuse me. Sorry to inturupt but, I was wondering if I could switch partners?" I asked the teacher.

"I'm sorry Ms. June but we're already a week into the project and if one person switches the whole thing will turn into a nutcase." He answered. "But may I asked why you'd like to switch partners? You and Jordan seemed to be getting along so well?" He added.

"I-it's personal. Apologies. Anyway I just wanted to ask." I said. Beginning to walk towards the door.

"Okay. But remember. You can always tell me if you have an issue with another student." He said. I walked out. Jordan was standing by the lockers.

"Alice. Please, we need to talk." Jordan insisted.

"If it isn't about the project I don't want to talk. And I'd like to work on the project in the park today. I think it'd be a better spot. We'd get more work done." I answered.

"Okay..." He sighed. School ended and I went in the parking lot to call my mom.

"We decided to actually work on the project today in the park that's right by our school. I just wanted to let you know." I said.

"Okay honey. Be home before the streetlights come on. Love you." She said.

"Love you too. Bye." I said hanging up. I walked to the park and sat at a picnic table on my laptop doing some research. Jordan soon got there. He sat across the table.

"We need to talk." He said. I didn't even look up. He put his elbows on the table and held his head up. His hair falling over his hands. By the way his voice sounded I could tell he was trying to hold back tears. I sighed and closed my laptop.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch today." I sighed.

"I deserve it. I deserve worse." He said. "I got at the most 3 minutes of sleep last night. I just up all night replaying thw incident. Words can't explain how sorry I am. I was craving for thw needle and I couldn't sleep. I thought you were asleep so I thought that was the best idea. But I regret hitting you the most. I wish I could go back in time and change that. I hate knowing that I hurt you. I was just frustrated and that was my first instinct. I know that's no excuse. And that you'll never ever forgive me. And I don't blame yo-"

"I forgive you." I said. He looked up at me.

"How? How could you forgive me for this?" He said in shock.

"Cause that's what love does to you." I said. He got up and walked over to me. He picked me up bride-style and gave me a long kiss. I let go. "Don't ever do that again." I said.

"Never in a trillion years." He said. We looked at eachother smiling. He put me down. I grabbed my bag and put my laptop in it.

"I need to get going. I need to be home before the streetlights come on." I said.

"Your house is on the way to mine. Would you like me to walk you home? I nodded yes.

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